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  • Oni might have the muscles, but Pyramid Head carries the weight of many sins with such ease
  • The survivor that dies the most for me is whichever survivor I chose to play as, which usually tends to be Rochelle since she's my favorite (other than her I usually pick random since I like all the survivors :p)
  • The animations look much more fluid and natural, and I haven't noticed any change in movement aside from crawling (which the dev's have said would be the only movement being altered). The only thing I dislike is the standing pose for survivors. The old standing poses made the survivors look on edge and nervous of the…
  • The problem with the perk isn't that too strong, but rather that it's too exploitable and over-used by some as means of invulnerability rather than anti-tunneling. The new nerf for DS still serves the same purpose it was originally intended to: prevent tunneling. If you have time to work on a gen or totem, you aren't…
  • The new HUD's a step in the right direction albeit not implemented too well. All the new additions like the animations, map and character reworks, and even the HUD show how much effort they're putting into the game. The DBD Twitter page already posted that the team's looking into fixing current bugs and even addressing the…
  • Zarina, for her backstory, as well as David for the same reason
  • Is it because it's easy to bait out and punish?
  • The Legion has such a simple design but is also one of the scarier killers in the game to me. They're not paranormal or cursed or anything otherworldly, they're just a group of teens. Their outfits highlight that too; normal attire for somewhat cold weather along with their handmade masks. Yeah killers like Trapper and…
  • Zarina's my favorite survivor overall and favorite to play with. Her story is really intriguing to me and her character is cool as hell. The idea of her perks being centered around decepting the killer while putting the safety of others before her own is respectable as hell. It's also for that reason that David is my…
  • Finally a person with taste Jeff and David are the hottest guys in the game hands down Well, hottest survivors. Trapper reigns at number 1 in my book
  • The Trapper no doubt The Oni and Pyramid Head are runner ups, and they all share the same characteristics Big Beefy B i g Guys with masks is a hell yea for me
  • Both roles have their own distinctions on their difficulties imo. Survivors have less to worry about, mainly gens and unhooking a survivor if need be. Killers however have to juggle their focus between gen pressure and all four survivors, if they go off track for just a bit too long the survivors (if played well) can…
  • I don't know what the hell is up with it but I can barely play The Plague for my life sometimes. Not that her power is weak imo, I feel like it can be pretty strong, but using Corrupt Purge at the right time and keeping everyone infected is so much harder to me than landing blinks as The Nurse.
  • No other killer has made me scream aloud more than a Ghostface in stealth mode lunging from the side of the screen to stab me. I'll be working on a gen or hiding since I saw a survivor bolt off somewhere, when all the sudden he jumps into my screen stabbing me, and my ensuing scream scares the hell out of my cat sitting…