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  • Ugh the insta downers and Myers are the worst to start near, especially since Myers just farms his stupid stalk on me when I do
  • I finally got into a match just now, before that it kept saying cannot connect to server, failure to create party, or timeoutcreated. Not sure if it’s fixed now or just being super buggy
  • Rescuing someone from a hook with no time left, and giving a survivor who played well or seems new the hatch. oh and of course the parodies by Samination lol
  • I’m not justifying it to just be teabagging, I just do it enough to get a killers attention from the movement of it, and then I stop and run, there really isn’t another way to get their attention so quickly besides using a flashlight if you have one.
  • a few reasons in my opinion, both kinda selfish lol, 1- Because when you get them off a hook generally the killer will go back to chasing them instead possibly buying you a gen or two more, and 2- Because of perks like thanatophobia for example, which slows down everything when a survivor is injured or on a hook. And 3-…
  • Edit: Not sure why this posted twice but It won’t let me delete it.. a few reasons in my opinion, both kinda selfish lol, 1- Because when you get them off a hook generally the killer will go back to chasing them instead possibly buying you a gen or two more, and 2- Because of perks like thanatophobia for example, which…
  • Unfortunately this is far to accurate, not only can it aggravate the killer, it can also slow down the progress of other survivors fixing gens if they have to heal or rescue them, that is if they don’t quit and lower the chances of escape even more. Just makes everything not fun when one player is toxic killer or survivor
  • That’s a fair point being killer can definitely be stressful, especially if the survivors are obnoxious or toxic themselves, but I usually do this right out in the open just a kinda safe distance away, I can usually tell when they’re angry, wanting another kill, or know what I’m doing but respect it and chase me anyway.…
  • I mean I main survivor but I agree the gens can be done extremely quickly and can be difficult to patrol due to map size. I think making gens take longer overall would just become monotonous and extend an already boring progress bar mini game. Maybe adding offerings that can slightly reduce repair speed or even add…