The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • You say: Try not to stalk and tell you how many times the power can trigger? It's like you say try to not vomit with the Plague and tell me how many times someone gets infected. That's why my first and main idea was to make stalking impossible to people who are a certain (very close) distance away.
  • I have played that game since it came out on PS4 and there is literally nobody I asked who doesn't say that he is a really good character.
  • Lol Michael Myers Midtier, yes of course. He has a mori add-on and can down more than one survivor in a certain time with one hit. Stalking from far or close, no exception, is stupid. Why can he stalk until 99%, get close to someone and instadown him. You can't be serious to call Myers a Midtier killer. You guys all say,…
  • Saying Adrenaline is an exhaustion perk is not 100% right since you are not necessarily able to control when it works. I also didn't compare it to "An exhaustion perk" but with META perks in general. Dark sense is also a pretty good perk imo but Alert, Empathy and Dark Sense are bound to certain conditions while Bond is…
  • Bond is actually better than many META perks. Better than: Adrenaline --> Works only once if you get that far and the 5 sec + heal isn't too usefull because it's not needed so often. DS --> It can save your ass, no deny, but it's so situational Dead Hard --> If you use it once, the killers know it and avoid it and maybe…
  • Well I don't know if you play a lot AGAINST them but they (especially Michael) chase you until they are right next to you, like really right next to you, maybe body block you if they can, and stalk you. You cannot get always out of their sight, otherwise it would be ok. Imagine that they just stalk you and when you are in…
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