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  • Guys I said cross-save not cross-play but either way i got my answer i guess haha
  • You're so wrong. Plague is strong if you think about it, once she pukes on someone they'll eventually start bring broken, which does 2 things, the first one is, well, being broken, you're injured, and the second part is you vomit like crazy, and you're super loud, so stealth is impossible against a plague, even if you have…
  • I'm on ps4 and I'm guessing people are shutting the game down itself and not leaving through the game..... this is not ok. This has to be dealt with.
  • I didn't mean your post is stupid, what I mean is this discussion is stupid
  • This is so stupid, please think for a moment, there is no reason why we should punish snipers, they want to kill the streamer, good for them, who cares if they use toxic stuff just for them? Guess what... its apart of the game. There's so many ways this is a bad idea, first off, how can you tell they're sniping? Unless…
  • I got a seizure trying to read your post.
  • How can people be punished for playing the game? It doesn't matter if they troll the streamer, or use op addons because guess what? Its apart of the game mydude, also, how would you know they're sniping? And what's to stop people from using op stuff to begin with?
  • Your "solution" makes zero goddamn sense! If you were to make all the good killers as weak as the weakest, then survivors would be even stronger!!!!!!!!!!
  • That is why I said maybe 120 seconds. But gens really do need to be slowed down for other weaker killers.
  • Could we get a buff in shrine? Maybe increase the number from 4 to 6? So 1 extra perk for both? Or even better, 8 so an extra 4 per class, if not can we get it reworked? I haven't been on long enough to say that haunted grounds Never came up, but for the past like, 3 or 4 months of me playing, I've never seen bbq chilli,…
  • It wont work as I down people instant with tier 3 Myers, with tuft of hair its unlimited tier 3, meaning all your hits are instant, so them having the terror radius wont help much, unless you find someone with infectious fright, then you wont have a heartbeat and you can go to them, but they're most likely not blind or…
  • The thing is, sometimes, if you're lucky, you can level up to tier 3 pretty fast, with tuft of hair, it requires 50% more stalking, which is 3 seconds more, which basically leads to stalking 2 survivors to max stalk, if you can max stalk those 2 people pretty fast, you got the extreme pressure, then down one, find another…
  • I think bamboozle would fit better just to stop pesky loops like shack, but yeah, you can use nurses calling to see people healing, that'll be a great perk aswell
  • Nice one, you so got me there 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you're just too darn good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • All good, just a thought
  • What I mean by that is, if they don't come to rescue you that could mean the killer could be around you, looking for other survivors while they see you're flapping 3 times at a time, they know you want to waste his time, meaning they can continue doing gens
  • We should add more tho like double flap triple flap, double could mean camper and triple could mean "don't rescue me"
  • I personally love the cannibal, I'm not the best killer but I still enjoy him, it is very annoying hitting a wall and getting stunned for 10 years unfortunately. To be honest it wouldn't be fair to be as fast or faster then survivors if you're charging up your chainsaw, you're already decently fast while swinging the…
  • I'm not saying to nerf lunge to the ground, or to remove it, I'm simply suggesting to nerf it alittle, so that killers have to be closer to strike
  • Why is everyone bitching about me having 1 post? this is the first time I made a thread and I will make more in the future, making suggestions and ideas. I also love how no one mentions my other point on how I think strikes should be more skill required and should be vertical to be more precise