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  • Yeah, Survivor experience is really really helpful when playing as Hag, as you can find unconventional trap placements that get great value. Take Rotten Fields for example, most people think this is one of Hag's weakest maps but as long as you have range addons I think it's pretty good. The nature of the vast open corn…
  • We'll Make It and Second Wind. It's not particularly exciting, but it's a strong combination for efficiency - get 2 heals for an 8s investment.
  • Flashlights are really rough if the survivors using them are competent, but an average flashlight user is pretty easy to deal with - beyond using Franklin's Demise (which I recommend vs 2+ flashlights) you should try to place traps in more unexpected areas and pathways, not always under pallets windows hooks etc. This is…
  • My suspicion is that they did it because the injured walking animation might appear odd when moving 20% faster, and they didn't have the time to tweak the animation. It's a very odd, unnecessary caveat otherwise.
  • Survivors have it in their hands to punish facecamping. I know that facecampers make for a boring game, either sitting on gens or on the hook, but it's ultimately boring for the killer too and punished by the ranking system - feed a camper enough boring games where 3 gens get done as they stare at the hooked survivor and…
  • Of course Undetectable made stealth abilities consistent across the board, but immunity to aura reading was new to them all except T1 Myers. Players had kicked up a fuss about OoO vs the likes of Wraith and Ghostface for a while at that point. What does immunity to aura reading meaningfully do for stealth killers outside…
  • An Object of Obsession player who knows how to deal with Hag almost completely invalidates her. It's a near guaranteed loss because one competent player brought a perk - never mind if they're communicating the information they receive on comms. Of course an average OoO user is beatable as Hag, because most players still…
  • Makes sense, thanks! I do wish they'd add a workaround so these perks work together nonetheless.
  • Hag has some of the best add-ons in the game in terms of inventiveness and adding interesting quirks to her power. These are the only ones that could use a change imo: Waterlogged Shoe - Traps would have to make survivors move like molasses for dropping teleport to be anywhere near worthwhile. This is probably the worst…
  • It's crazy to me that they've jumped around the issues OoO brings for so long without changing the perk itself. They introduced the entire Undetectable status to counteract OoO neutering stealth killers, which at the same time hurt perks that no one thought was anywhere near an issue like Kindred, Dark Sense and Alert. It…
  • She's great but not the strongest. She's helped by the fact that most survivors don't know how to best deal with her - if you know where a trap is and you're not currently on a gen or unhooking, go pop it! If you walk up to it and run directly away the moment it's triggered you'll easily make it to a loop before the Hag…
  • They say this is meant to be a perk that's strong at late game, but let's compare it to our other late game hex. Devour Hope lets you instadown and mori survivors with enough stacks, while only notifying survivors of its existence once you reach 3 stacks and hit a survivor. Ruin meanwhile makes all generators regress at…