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  • I don't understand why every update they mess up the ghostface chase music. Now it feels like you are the one dying when you chase someone.
  • It even happened to me while unhooking a survivor with Leader, apparently the faster and yellow unhook bar caused a frame drop and i got stuck there, of course the killer was able to grab me because the animation never ended.
  • I'm glad there's multiple reports of this now, hopefully they'll patch it soon because i can't play killer without risking getting bugged forever by a head on stun
  • It has happened to me while picking up items, unhooking people and getting head on stunned. The lag prevents the action from being completed, so your character is stuck in place waiting for the action to end, that's why you got grabbed there, the action didn't even end. It ends matches inmediately
  • It happened to me as well about 4 times now, i root for them to at leas acknowledge this iissue
  • I always see this on Trickster threads and you really can say that about every killer in the game. Yeah you know uhhh Spirit and Oni are you trying to appeal to weebs that like japanese culture, Oni isnt even scary ugh, have you seen that school girl cosmetic for Spirit? Cringe. Yeah you know uhhh Deathslinger is only…
  • I mean you can always NOT teleport, you know?
  • I know that this happened before sometimes, but before we would mostly get red ranks and purple ranks killers. Of course, ranks dont really mean anything in terms of skill, but it still meant that the killer had enough hours in the game to know what he was doing. None of the killers we got did. Something that happened 1…
  • Trust me, none of the people i played with are smurfs, they are actually new to the game, they have to be, otherwise it makes no sense how they are so unaware of how to play.
  • Playing as the trickster you dont hear it, but your lullaby can still be heard by survivors when you are "undetectable", since its the same sound as his 24 meters terror radius, its a bit faint.
  • Hopefully the bug refers to this "lullaby" the wiki sees as a feature. Doubt it though.
  • There's a lot to be done for the trickster in terms of buffs, my point right now is that he does have a lullaby and that sucks. There's no telling if you caught a survivor off guard, maybe they just decided to stick to the gen or they mindgamed themselves, but having a lullaby that sounds at the same volume and with the…
  • The mechanic is called that way, don't think about the sound itself. Even if the sound is rather faint, it's still noticeable, they just get surprised with undetectable because they think you are farther away. People can clearly still hear it, you are relying on survivors having low quality sound and not paying attention…
  • I mean the wiki and the code explain this as a feature rather than a bug, but either way i'll be happy if they remove it. I'm not sure if they will though.
  • The game code (i think) and the wiki calls it a lullaby because it works the same and it sounds at the same volume of his normal terror radius at 24 meters, at least ingame, it's still a pretty clear giveaway of your location.
  • That amp reverberating is how his terror radius sounds when he is at 24 meters. I'm pretty sure they just did it so that Monitor isn't an option. They didn't even try to make another music for his lullaby.
  • I did too. Undetectable still surprises brave survivors, because they think that you are farther away than you actually are. With monitor there's basically no difference, the lullaby goes from 24-32 meters, it's like you aren't using anything in the first place because there's music that sounds exactly like your terror…
  • No, those are only active when he is in a chase, it's bad, but it's not what i'm referring to. He has a "lullaby", a mechanic that is more well known to the Huntress but that some other killers do have. Basically, you aren't completely surprising anyone as Trickster, they can hear music when you are near even if you have…
  • Hey i just found a video of your idea put into play, looks like it doesn't work that well in practice.
  • That is way slower than mindgaming though, if you mindgame properly you'll down them faster than landing 2 knives each corner. Even then you depend on them making mistakes. I just now understand what you were explaining, i do this type of thing with certain survivors, but i honestly prefer to go faster and mindgame them,…
  • That's actually a really interesting idea, it would make Main Event more rewarding, because right now it's kinda bad.
  • I mainly use it if i run out of knives or if i find 2 survivors, it's good for injuring multiple survivors. It's so weird that there isn't many addons that make main event stronger though.
  • Dude the point of the power is to literally spam the knives, not to have surgical precision while doing it, there's no penalization for missing a knife or 2, unless you are out there downing 1 survivor with 40 knives or using death throes. Having to land 8 of those knives is still a long job, specially around high walls,…
  • It's what some people think, although there's situations in which trickster is really strong, i'd say trapper is way better in most situations. Trickster only advantage are survivors clueless enough to run around short loops.
  • That reach is longer than his knives range. Good aim isnt even a necessary ability to play trickster, if you have it good, but you have 60 knives so you can fail as much as you want. Also, if you use his m2 the whole game you are going way slower than a nurse, making you basically loose every chase. You are either a…
  • Iridiscent photocard is worse, but death throes is garbage either way. If the survivors are at least decent, it's hard to be consistent with your shots and injure them before they escape or find a high wall loop. It wouldn't be so bad if it started with normal laceration, but less than 100% laceration means you are going…
  • True, i often check their profiles to see which country they are from, never thought of checking if they were friends or not
  • It's quite obvious when it's a SWF anyway, i usually realize in the lobby when they appear together at the same time or when they are all console players. Usually, SWF teams are not that big of a deal, they make the same amount of mistakes as solo survivors and they tend to be very alturistic and bold, which can be easily…