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  • They do not need to be that close for the flashlight save. Have you experienced this tactic yet as part of a planned strategy or are you just game theorizing? I've experienced it three times and could not mind game it. They either played yoyo with me ( I run to hit the flashlight player he runs away other guy jumps out, if…
  • Yes, multiple are off gens but it isnt a problem as they always have one doing a gen. You can't slug a person in the locker, so I don't see how that works and slugging an SWF is always a questionable strategy.
  • I really think you are underestimating the strength of this tactic. When I have experienced it, it is a full swf running OoO (perfect information). Every down is hard won, they can prevent downs by jumping in a locker. If you go for the grab, you lose. If go after the new guy, it is a fresh chase with the strong…
  • Who called you a bad person?
  • You know, I'm going to assume you are right and most streamers are really cool and fun. I am just going to accept that as fact moving forward, but I will not verify that by checking out streams Ive played in.
  • Ok, I'm not saying "I will not watch Twitch" and I apologize i see how my messages was poorly worded. I am saying I won't watch past streams featuring me, because the risk of hearing someone call me a sex offender is too high. I actually think a lot of people should be aware that streamers can be aggressivly abusive and if…
  • Judging? How is deciding to avoid watching past streams for mental health reasons an unfair judgement? I didn't say, "Twitch players are bad". I said it is better to live in ignorance and assume they are nice chill people.
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