Well its dumb as heck and feels broken and borked. Why would i have a lvl 44 Clown with only bamboozle I?? ITS DUMB Also I dont need you to explain RNG to me.. RNG in this case is STUPID AND BROKEN.. Bamboozle is a Character defining perk.. Im Lvl 44.. I should have had Bamboozle 3 for AGES!
Dude.. Its a problem the devs acknowled
Except im talking about Bamboozle on the clown. Its his own perk.. hes 44 now and still only Bamboozle 1.
Except im talking about Bamboozle on the clown. Its his own perk.. hes 28 now and still bamboozle I
Dude.. Its a problem the devs acknowledge and are working on. Now who is #########?
Except im talking about Bamboozle on the clown. Its his own perk.. hes 28 now and still bamboozle I
Dude.. Its a problem the devs acknowledge and are working on. Now who is #########?
Thats EXACTLY how it should be.. Offer one of the flavor perks and another teachable/generic. You must admit having Bamboozle I on a 27 Clown is ABSURD.
I agree.. nerf her hard.. So annoying..