I didn't notice that when I played against the Hag, but it was only twice so I might not remember. Wraith is often considered one of the worst Killers in the game so it makes sense he's rare, personally that's just a reason for me to want to use him and get strong with him lol I just got him to P3 Level 50 so the time to…
In the last 100 or so games on PS4, going from Rank 12 to 3, I have only went against 1 Hag. On Switch, at close to 50 games, I haven't gone against a single Pig yet, but at least one of every other Killer available.
I only played a few matches as Killer so far, Survivor is just much easier to find games for and play with the frame drops for me, but I messed up multiple times as Demogorgon not realizing he couldn't break pallets at base. Wonder when that will be added, would be nice. I can't wait to be forced to play Doctor for a daily…
Survivor has been almost instant for me but due to people's names being less...unique I haven't really been noticing if it's the same Survivors. Seen a Hex: name already tho and that brought a smile to my face.
So far I feel the diagonal slowdown has been the biggest problem for me. I am a survivor of Dark Souls' Blighttown on PS3 and the N64 so framerate doesn't bother me (as Survivor), not being able to loop properly, gets me downed when I shouldn't have been. Sadly I can only use wifi and I've been finding connections much…
That map's frame rate leaves a lot to be desired on Switch and has very little to hide Mr. Face's flowing tendrils. Prayers cannot reach you there.
You are more than likely at Rank 20 due to the bug. We should pray for them. Though, praying for Ghostface to prevail is what I do best.
I was debating getting Ruin but thanks to the Rank bug I feel I can take my time getting Ruin. I'll be only really ranking up as Survivor anyway so my kitted out Ghostface will do well enough in the early Ranks until I REALLY need Ruin lol I mean, I got a 4K as Pig with just Surveillance, so running Thrilling Tremors,…
I am not touching any Survivor yet level wise so I am staying Level 1 David lol I am leveling Nurse for Thana and Nurse's Calling so I can continue on my Warpath as Ghostface.
If you are decent you could do I what I have been doing, playing David at level 1 with WGLF and grinding BP while they work out the kinks.
They are at least aware of it and a couple other issues, such as running slower while moving diagonally. Something I noticed right away but thought I was seeing things or imagining it.
The Rank bug is going to make games get messy quick as veterans level up but stay at Rank 20.
I also haven't had the sound issue but have had the Rank issue. Hope it gets fixed soon.
If I see them and remember I'll post a picture of them!
I really hope we end up getting the Killers in the end, hopefully it's just a matter of time, but I would like to know if people did yet also. I leveled the Nurse up to 30 and never seen any and she was the only Killer I leveled so far.
i was at Rank 15, finally moving up in the world, and the game crashed just as I was about to escape. Turn the game back on and I am back at Rank 20 no pips for both Killer and Survivor. I REALLY hope there is a fix for this.
I also feel developers like Panic Button (DOOM and Wolfenstein), Shiver (Mortal Kombat 11) , Virtuos (Dark Souls, LA Noire, Starlink) and Saber (Witcher 3) are showing that while it's underpowered, HEAVILY so in most cases, it's still up to developers to optimize. So we can blame it on Developers thinking that they'll…
Well, I hope Behaviour's investment pays off. I would love it if the Switch version gets a decent sized community as well. I am having no problem finding Survivor games, almost instant, so I hope that keeps up in the future.
i only played 4 matches of Killer so far and 2 had at least 1 competent Survivor. I played as Huntress and the framerate made it difficult enough without a Survivor that knew how to play against Huntress. I then played as Doctor and accidentally killed everyone. Closed the Hatch and was going to let the last Claudette go…
I try to be ready for any Killer myself so I just use that tip to go "Oh, these poor Rank 20s" when I see it's Legion or something more complex.
I have been going up against a LOT of Hags so there is Ruin for me, even if it is Baby Ruin. Thanks to the performance on Switch, at least Docked, I haven't been hitting the Great Skill Checks very often lol Thank the Entity for no NOED yet, though.
I guess that's the big reason this is a concern for me, there are so few games out there that require you to go outside the game to learn how to play it now. That could be a turn off for so many people, at least if they were up against their own ranks all the time they could potentially learn a Killer if they stuck with…
I thought there was going to be a lot of veteran players but I've been paired up with people who are clearly new. I went against a few good Survivors but have yet to go against a great Killer. The only time a Killer really gets a kill is if it's through Camping or Tunneling so far.
Typically, but new versions might be the first time people could play them. Let's just hope people can get over getting stomped until they can learn more as this game has a bit to learn for new players.
I was going to point out that it was hilarious that the odd Survivor out was Nea but I thought everyone let that meme die.
It's enough to make a Killer sick.
I've had that happen a bunch, just with no Killer showing up. The very first time I loaded into a lobby we loaded with 5 Survivors and no Killer. That was the oddest thing I saw.
People say it did but I honestly don't remember as I played it mostly handheld. It is an odd thing but you'd think it would be the opposite.
Connection wise it's better than other online Switch games, it's smoother than it should be with how crap the Switch wifi is. Performance on the other hand is quite choppy, at least while docked. I hear it's better handheld oddly enough.
I also noticed issues with Huntress' hatchets. I swear the one I went against had Iri heads as she was one shotting everyone but when it hit me it didn't down me. I also threw a hatchet at someone vaulting through a window and it one shot them even though I was using no add-ons. Are headshots still in the game? If not I…
I've noticed my games have been smoother connection wise than on my PS4 Pro, performance is worse but connection during games has been better. I haven't been getting any surprise hits from downtown and I am on wireless on both (no access to wired atm). I've also noticed that when playing Killer there is just a general…
If it happens one more time I will for sure! Thank you!
It's really annoying too as other people are Ranking up no problem lol I went against some 19s and 17s already so it's an issue that's being picky if it's an issue at all.
No, I lagged out of one but it happened before that match.
Maybe, if I keeps happening I'll report it and hopefully things get sorted out. Day one after all, I suppose there are bound to be some issues.
No Leatherface throws what little of a leveling plan I had into the bin. I am at a loss where to start now! Guess I'll just save up BP for now while I am in the Brown Ranks.
My matches have all been dropping frames as often as the Rank 20s have been dropping pallets. Though I only played against a Doctor and AS Huntress and Doctor. Doctor ain't friendly to the framerate on PS4 either so it could mostly just be him.
First match as a Rank 20 Survivor for a daily. Three of us escaped versus a Doctor on the Game. Frame rate was like 15 frames the entire time. Skill checks lagged and caused me to miss a couple making me seem like an actual Rank 20. When he chased me, I showed him I wasn't. It's going to be rough for new players until all…
Sweater Demon isn't available either. Meaning no Sleepy Boy. Wonder when these will be available, need BBQ to grind man!
So the update downloaded for me but I still can't launch the game. Just says "You cannot play this software yet. Please try again later.". A step in the right direction but still half-way across the map from the Exit Gate while NOED is up.
What a fantastic launch day we are having! So exciting to see a new platform experience what we've all been experiencing for forever now; issues. For serious though, I hope they get it ironed out soon. Been waiting for my Switch to get hooked as much as my PS4 ever since the Switch port was announced.
I didn't see any mention of the 8m sound going away so I assumed it was still in there due to hearing people complain about how loud he is in Night Shroud. Just checked and there it is so I don't know why people still say he's loud. I don't go up against him enough, even on PS4, to have known either. Does it not? I guess…
You get information on where other Survivors are and that first Survivor not only had to mend but also has to heal since you are a regular Killer otherwise. The Killers have a basic attack for a reason after all. Legion also has better pressure than Clown as while you are chasing one person as Clown the others are…
Do you really lose all of your meter when you miss an attack? I'll be honest, I never noticed and was meaning to watch it and see but I always get too into the game that I never do. I also think I may have missed like 1 attack so far. At least you don't lose all your meter when you cancel it, that would be brutal. Also his…
I personally think Legion is better to play against and to play now. There are some things I'd like to see changed (vaulting speeds are so slow sometimes the Survivor can get to the other side of a loop or to a new loop depending on where you are) but for now they are much better. You just have to play them how they were…
I just know he's going to cause me to have a Dead Space 2 moment where you are going about your business and you turn the camera to see just his head poking out. Only thing that scared me in Dead Space 2. Otherwise I feel his look fits the game more though I can understand why Scream fans would be disappointed.
It seems I am a perverted #relatable weaboo who is a fedora wearing memestar who hates himself. I will never turn back on my ways. Feng was the first and only Survivor I got to Prestige 3, Freddy was the first Killer I did the same and Quentin is my boy.
In no order, also on PS4; (also PS I am not a great Survivor yet, still working my way to it, was a Killer main early in my time) Legion - Just can't do anything to stop him/her and s/he'll get you if s/he wants you. Best you can do is try confuse him/her when s/he's using his/her power. Wraith - I know he's a lower Ranked…
They really need to optimize the game better, the Unreal engine is thankfully flexible. Hopefully if they succeed with their plans at optimizing it we could see some cool things we thought wouldn't be possible before.
I would like Freddy's Dreamworld to be the boiler room motif from the movie, even if it's just the remake's as the foggy one we have now isn't as Freddy as you'd think it would be. Basically, I want every map to have an "Otherworld" loaded in on top of them when Freddy is being played. Make open areas closed and change the…