Shady streamers? This guy is one of the people that promoted dbd from day one and probably one of the reasons its still popular you are delusional.
I mean based off what you said I drew a conclusion one of the best players in the game both killer and survivor shares the views I have on this perk and he is rank 1 with both so I don't hold much weight in what you say. And before you ask its Tru3ta1ent but you will probably say he is bad at the game next.
You all must play killer at rank 15 I am talking about rank 1 balance.
If it does not slow them like the other survivors it might as well be super speed especially with toolboxes and brand new parts.
None of those perks give the obsession super healing and gen repair speed though so its not the same situation.
I agree the perk should still have effect after the person dies its even in the name "Dying Light"
Exactly the obsession should still be effected by the perk otherwise they just rush everything I am playing at rank 1 and all my games have the obsession rushing gens knowing I cant kill them I hook them twice but that's all I can really do.
Amen 3 years I have been putting up with this.
Watch Tru3s stream you will learn the game.
I bet you are not even in purple ranks.
I think he is the only one that will give you honest answers and he does not pull punches when it comes to the game or the devs
Tru3ta1ent is a fog whisperer and he does not hesitate to tell it how it is with GF
Exactly someone having a bad day and dcs for no reason or a bad killer tunneling hooks for the mori does not reflect how good the killer is against people that are truly rank 1s.
So his kill rate is equal to the best killer in the game "cough" "cough" bullshit, I am sorry but I highly doubt that the data must be flawed in some way like it usually is or you are told to say that to justify the nerf the only killer to come close to Nurse on a tier list and being viable is Spirit.
Have you played him since then? Because it still sounds like an elephant is charging at you when he is sneaking around he has the body of an average guy but it sounds like he weighs a ton when he walks around.
Well no offence but I have been playing for 3 years now and the stats you people post are questionable at best many streamers have pointed that out and if he is doing well its not because of his power because at rank 1 he is a m1 killer 90% of the time.
Ok so you are also saying that one of the best dbd players should get good because Tru3ta1ent also has this opinion of Ghostface. Don't tell me to get gud when you could not beat me and you are dreaming if you think you could beat him.
I also play him at rank 1, he can still work but its much harder then it should be to use his power fully and matches when you just m1 are harder and not fun. Ghostface was super fun at release I really enjoyed playing him but now the negatives outweigh the positives the nerf should never have happened not until…
The only way you win is with the handicap of SWF am I right were as the man in the video has reached rank 1 every reset alone. SWF is not needed to be good its only use is to make ranking a joke you don't earn your rank.
Well as far as DBD players go he is one of the best and he has been playing since the beta plus he is a Fog whisperer chosen by the devs so he should have some credibility.
@whydthedevsbreakdbd Ok survivor main you need to watch Tru3ta1ent if you want to see under the hood of this game and what the devs are going for.
@Eninya You are doing it wrong we tested both of his stalk addons today the survivor can break him out just as fast as he exposes you with his best addons the survivor can even beat him if he does not stalk instantly.
The game is still very survivor bias, the devs need to stop balancing for rank 20s and look at the red ranks.
Another win for the survivor mains