read again
Noed is okay. I like running it on nurse. But simply do the totems and alas: the killer has only 3 perks now (2 if they run hex:undying). First off, if people cry about noed, they just don't do totems at all, just try to gen rush without doing any other objectives.
I don't think it is that strong that it couldn't be added. But i do respect your opinion.
Nurse - Asthmatic Spirit = Aahhhh......... :( Freddy = Freddy pandeiro Leatherface = GRAAUUGHGHHG UHUHH UHGAAAUUUGH Myers = OHN (STUNNED) Had = Bruxa veya/Ol' witch Doctor = HIHIHIHIHI Demogorgon = Cara de xoxota/p*ssy face Legion = Gangbang Huntress = Tap's Wife Pig = Trash Ghost face = Panico/Panic Pyramid Head = Cabeça…
I think it is okay. But the synergy is just insane. I don't know how i would nerf it without making it useless... Maybe creating a minimum range that it activates?
Why? just curious.
As a killer main, i really don't mind dealing with dead hards. It is different from a decisive strike, sprint burst... stuff like that in main kit would be frustrating as hell to deal with.
I was typing, but i pressed enter to create a paragraph, and it actually posted instead... i will shortly make another post with complete info.
I think we have to disconsider the current addons. But i COMPLETELY understand your point. For the feral frenzy work like this, legion would need a complete rework, just like freddy did. I can imagine a really long cooldown for Feral Frenzy when you down someone two times. I've also imagined giving a speed reduction to…