I'd LOVE locking out duplicates of Survivors... Jeff's aftercare is very distinctive, so's the hookbreaker when you're unhooked.
I'd willingly use the survivor that has the perk I want to use. My point is that right now "I'm a Nea main" doesn't mean ANYTHING because anyone can use all of her perks... yanno?
But...have you Waltzed with your hooked friends? Personally I've really been enjoying him but I've only had him a few months. I never tunnel, never camp, and try for long shots, i also hook people on top of things. Pulling someone off a balcony or the hangman's platform is A LOT of fun. I just wish his perks weren't the…
Yes I noticed it this morning too. Much MUCH harder to distinguish. I'd say turn the intensity back up by 25% minimum.
Same. On PC here however. Crown pushes her hair into her eyes while Haunting.
And if it didn't effect stealth killers, you'd have FUN jumpscares MORE often! :) Hence...the perk is too strong imho.
It's OP, hands down. The only people that don't use it either don't have access to it, or don't want to make the game TOO easy. It invalidates all the stealth killers stealth...
MMhmm... Been there... documented that. I'm at... 308 hours now? Still seeing it every other or every 3rd game.
AFK? Report for afk, if it's a trend maybe something will happen. If it's a MACRO AFK...swinging weapon etc, REPORT THE **** outta that person. Free BP and depiping (when matchmaking's already struggling to find good matches???) should be punished. Never Camp, Never Tunnel, Expect to lose 1/2 of your games, and Have some…
My opinion as a Rank 11 (yup middddddle) Killer is that Mori's are MUCH more interesting than a 3rd hook death by faaarrr. When killed by one after only 1 hook it is a bummer because my game is short. When using my mori/Ruin as a killer I only murder after 2 hooks or LATE game because I don't care about winning so much as…
I think you're both right. Survivors do have a huge advantage most games, but that's just a tad tunnely and it sounds like the other 3 punished the killer for it. NOW, if ToxicNancy here repaired 4 gens...that's even MORE to the point Dehitay was referencing.
I've completely confirmed. If a group is surviving with friends, then that group can be matched with ANY killer that matches ANY (the worst) ranked person in the group. This means that a lvl 1 can group with a lvl 10 and be matched with a killer as high as 18. Dev's, PLEASE consider changing that so that Friends are…
New one as of this morning... Killer Rank 16 is starting to feel like the sweetspot for mis-matches. Screenshot attached.
Played one game with him this morning, did terribly. Had overcharge perk which doesn't let me kick gens anymore...? No stance switch and as a result I no longer have an area of effect? I liked the stances personally...the static field would catch well hidden survivors and then I'd chase them and hit them with my burst a…
Help me understand how Ruin, Surge, and Overcharge have been changed and/or if I should just stop using them? I love playing as killer but just Orbit the 16th rank mostly. I get stomped or stomp most games. A 2 kill game is the goal of balance I've heard...but I see mostly 1k OR 4k. I wasted 5-6 seconds per gen this…
I have a new terrible one from just this morning. Guess if I won or lost? :(
Ohh Noooo... ouch. I haven't seen any red, but then I SHOULDN'T see any red... lol