Well why do killers need to have 4k every single time? I heard that for equality, 2 survs should be escaping each match. Not a 4k every time, not 4 survivors escaping every time. This kind of gameplay is what will make people quit. Sometimes I play surv, sometimes killer, and I'd rather lose the match than resort to this…
I haven't played the game long enough to play many of the killers yet ( mostly play survivor with my son), but I first loved wraith ( definitely easy wins), but I'm really enjoying Plague the most now as well as doctor. Maybe it's the nurse in me LOL
Hmmm, I've only been playing a few weeks, but I see a survivor rage quit/DC in at least 7/10 games. I've seen a killer quit/DC in a total of 2 games. I think it's pure selfishness for a survivor to quit a game, especially early on. I laugh when as a survivor we still manage to win, but then I cry when we get down to last…
There is so many places I think I should fit through when i'm running and just get stuck on.. love the term fat shaming for it lol
I'm curious why survivor perks get cancelled by killer perks, but killer perks don't get cancelled by survivor perks...
You have 3000 hours in the game and have trouble with killer?! I've been playing a few weeks and find survivors way harder than killers and I play mostly survivor!
I'm still new myself, only a few weeks in, but I let groups who have rage quitters/LD'ers/AFK'ers go and I will try to give newbies a fair chance as well. I know my first few matches were terrifying, and I'm still kinda in that semi-panicked terrified state as survivor, but i'm slowly improving lol. But if it wasn't for…