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  • I think it's enough to just remove it from the menu - See, in a match, it can actually enhance the flair of some maps. I mean they could replace it with something better, but to me personally, it's most irritating in the lobby.
  • I am hoping the A-L-I-E-N can crawl on walls and ceilings... it would be SO fitting. I doubt it'll happen, but one can hope! Also think the motion scanner idea would be great.
  • I completely agree - Get rid of the bird chirping, it's very irritating, especially when someone is running DbD on speakers in the next room with an open door... I spent 5 minutes figuring out where the **** that noise came from and what it was. How about just letting us switch/choose from all released main menu themes…
  • Yup, makes sense, that would be fine!
  • Nono, no nerf - Just extend the animation to 1 - 1.5 seconds. The haste will still trigger after 0.5 seconds as it is now. I'm really purely talking visuals. It's just too funny to just see for half a second.
  • Come on people, please? 😅
  • Underneath all the brawn and muscle, he is just a man falling to pieces...
  • 57 hours ON TOP of the time you need to put in to get all the challenges. Reading comprehension, man.
  • What the hell happened to my post... yeah, that was my post in the quotes. Yeah maybe I should REALLY leave until EVIL has left.
  • Dude. h1, h2, h3, h4, p, a, a.Title, .BoxCategories li.Heading { font-family: "Comic Sans MS", "Comic Sans", cursive !important; Something is wrong with your browser then. It's in the bloody code.
  • With you on that, as a certified graphics design pensioneer. See you once this abomination has been cleansed from the forums. Comic Sans is design murder. MURDER I TELL YOU.
  • Someone actually did the math on this: FIFTY SEVEN additional hours of gameplay ON TOP of finishing the challenges. Utterly out of proportion. Honestly, it feels kind of like a scam this time. "Since the challenges can now be completed in fewer matches, you may need to play additional matches after completing the Tome in…
  • This is starting to come off as a scam. Yes, a SCAM. It's ridiculous just HOW MUCH they expect you to play outside of challenges, sorry. If I throw down money, I don't want to ALSO have to spend an insane amount of time to get all I.. kind of paid for? We should be done with the rift when we get all the challenges. Period.…
  • @DEADMEURT Could you please not like completely ignore the post @Sharkio used to completely prove the point you tried to make in your first post in this thread moot? Also, no. I like to have a vague idea of what and who I'm up against. Seeing player names really helps with that. You can use it to identify potential SWF…
  • Yes, I would make ANY choice that retains the fun of his gun. If that meant slowing him even more, I'd prefer that over nerfing his gun. I'd prefer ANYTHING over nerfing his gun. This doesn't mean that I -want- him to be even slower. Don't. #########. Touch. His. Gun. Also I don't get what the hell the problem is, his…
  • I'm absolutely against doing anything about the aiming speed and shooting feel in general. I mentioned the range since it's the thing that just feels off about him. I get it's a gun with a spear on a chain but it feels just "that bit" too short. On both ends - Both "I should have hit with that" and "He should've hit me". I…
  • I'm absolutely against doing anything about the aiming speed and shooting feel in general. I mentioned the range since it's the thing that just feels off about him. I get it's a gun with a spear on a chain but it feels just "that bit" too short. I don't want him to get increased movement speed, I think THAT is fine as is.…
  • You have all of my yes, because ANYTHING that breaks up the monotony of what we've been doing since 2016 is a good thing.
  • Honestly I'd be happy if they would just increase the range on his gun a little. 20 or 22 metres, maybe even 24. Regardless, yes on the coin suggestions, the others would be a bit OP in my opinion. Deep wounds would be nice if you had a way of taking away from the timer, yeah. There should be SOME consequence on applying…
  • Disclaimer: The first iteration of this post was an in-depth reply to Kind_Lemon longer, and deleted by the forum software having a laugh, couldn't even recover it from my memory via hex editor. Can't be arsed to write it all write this wall of text again. It's likely neither of our posts are going to have any impact on…
  • Naaaaah, reminds me WAY too much of classic superhero landings.
  • You're welcome. Modest, well tought out ideas deserve credit and attention. I only recently had to play Steve for a Daily and I only have him at level 13, so I had to make due with what I got - And tried the adept challenge. Yeeeeeeah. They're not TOTAL garbage but they're far from what they could be - Fun, and special. As…
  • Yes. All of my yes.
  • If you can't see the rational, objective logic of a survivor having wasted a perk slot ( Since they could've used a perk better suited for the matchup, but lost the gamble on the one they chose ) when a you're matched with can counter or completely ignore the perk in that slot ( Or vice versa, killer using perks survs they…
  • Are you blind? I've explained to great lengths why this is a non-issue including similar examples ( Wiggle-Builds ). I engaged your arguments with the explanation of why situational perks always have a chance of being rendered useless by counter perks - Just like they have the chance of winning you the game. Spine Chill is…
  • You have not countered or engaged with any of the arguments I have made, you only keep repeating yourself trying to enforce your opinion, which yeah well, is just like, your opinion, man. If you have so much trouble with spine chill run perks that negate and counter it. You need to adjust your playstyle, not try to have…
  • Myers is my least favourite killer to go up against. I get served almost every time. Unless the Myers is particulary incompetent. Add-Ons could use a rework for more variety, but he's in a very good spot balance wise overall. Maybe the red addons are a bit much honestly... bloody tombstone..
  • Spine Chill is about the only perk that works truly reliably against stealth killers. It's perfectly fine as is. They're sacrificing a whole perk slot for it. Every ( decent ) perk will counter SOMETHING. If that happens to be your T1 Myers build, well, bad luck. Next match might be without survs with spinechill and you'll…
  • I can only repeat that I'd be fine with that change. I don't -want- it but I'd be fine with it. While we're at it, home about giving "We're Gonna Farm Forever" SOME kind of benefit other than BP stacks?
  • Yeah, keep at it. Repeating the same non-applicaple insult hurts me so bad. I just have no respect or politeness to waste on the likes of you. Get out of your bubble and realise that just because YOU can't cope with #########, the world don't have to change. Your idea would make killers dealing with a whole team camping a hook…
  • Yeah you go out of your way assuming all kinds of things about me, I don't give a #########. I've been playing this game this end of 2016. I'm just tired of people crying for nerfs and ways to make the game harder ( for both sides, mind you ), for everyone just because they can't deal with one type of playstyle/behaviour. I'm…
  • I would LOVE this. While you're at this, let us zoom in on the different cosmetic slots ( weapons, pants, face ) or at least the face.
  • I'm a killer main and I say "Okay". BBQ would be fine without showing dying state survs. Often wondered if it was intentional or not to be honest. Would give the "Deerstalker" perk more purpose. Or fix distortion.
  • Wow. Stop trying to use your sad anecdotal experience and annoyances on the games balance. Horrible idea to start with. And 40 meters? Laughable.
  • Filthy console peasants talking about being unbeatable at the game. Amusing. C'mon SOMEONE had to say it. 😁
  • I concur. I get the feeling all my neighbours are hating me and my mechanical keyboard in the night, playing Dead by Daylight. Yeah, I could do a macro but I'm lazy.
  • I concur. Make the fear real again. We're up against terrible monsters here, survivors need to be afraid, since I -think- that's why many play, but it's more of a fun horror ride where you know you get out alive.
  • Well, fair enough everyone. It WAS just a random idea that popped up one evening. I suppose you're right... making killers see SWF and normalising map sizes ( No more walking simulator size maps ) would be the only effective way of slowing down the gen game. I thought the added challenge of more gens would be enough…