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  • Let's go with your idea. Let's give people a penalty for giving up on hook. You can even give them a penalty for attempting all 3 times on hook too. Problem solved, right? Well no people would probably just stand still and go afk instead. Let's ban that then, no more standing afk. But then people would just be useless and…
  • I don't think its cheating. I play some fighting games where refresh rate is SUPER important. Some top players can afford 500hz+ monitors. I sure can't. Does it give them an advantage? Yes. Is it "cheating?" No. If you would call having a good headset cheating, you would have to be equal with everything else. Having a…
  • This ^ Add ping into the mix, and yeah this makes sense. Huntress would've 100% hit you there too. Until we can get some better servers, stuff like this is typical and doesn't surprise me anymore.
  • My fault, I assumed that in that time, you are chasing one survivor, so only 3 would be doing gens. On a side note, if its taking someone over 30 seconds to start a chase (unless you're playing a setup killer), I'd recommend learning where survivors are likely to spawn. Running lethal pursuer for a couple matches should…
  • Did you play against a decent alien pre-nerf? It was awful. I played as them, and every match was almost a stomp with no regression perks. I'm not a good player either. The devs listened to the overwhelming side of the community that complained about this. I suppose if you didn't want them doing this, maybe they should…
  • The only way that is mathematically possible is that the survivors brought strong, gen speed items/perks. There are two things you should know in that case: The Survivors have used a good chunk of their perk and item resources. Which means not only are they weaker for the rest of the match, but they likely don't have many…
  • Is this post ironic? I really hope so. If you can't handle someone saying "good game" you might as well disable post game chat. What else are people supposed to say? Nothing? What's the point of post game chat then? Do you want people to pity you instead? "Nice try bro, you had a really rough map and you played well."
  • True! That's also why nurse and blight are bad! When they are in their power, they can't wait out DH! If you've been hooked and are running DH, you can tank one hit!! /s
  • I haven't seen any public kill rates on him yet. If you have the source, I'd love to take a look. In my opinion, here are the main reasons people don't play him a lot. He's very disorienting, and many people might not like the quick changing perspectives. He is one of the least controller friendly killers. And DBD has a…
  • Though I think they are completely different killers, I would agree with making his TR 24 meters. But reverting the ADS time? Please. God. No. Maybe a small reload time buff as well. While I do think xeno is stronger than slinger. They really do have a lot of differences, and we don't need to be treating every killer the…
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