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Member, Alpha Surveyor


  • Performance issues. If the framerate is so bad that I can't land a hit, then I'm better off putting down the controller. Either way, I'm no threat to the survivors, so I might as well not frustrate myself or prolong it by slowing down gen repair. It happens a lot on Nintendo Switch.
  • Every time a new killer comes out, the response from survivors is that they're tired of going up against the new killer. If you're playing DbD when a new killer is released, then you should expect to see that killer. If you don't like the new killer, take a break for a week (the new character's usage rate usually drops…
  • I wouldn't care about them linking the cosmetics if it didn't include the weapons. I want to be able to change weapons regardless of the killer's appearance. I'm tired of the weapons being bound to linked sets across all killers, but with the Unknown the weapons are very different, and the axes are boring as hell.
  • They didn't ask to get it reversed, they asked how to prevent this in the future because they don't know what they did wrong. They can't change their behavior if they don't know what they did that caused the ban.
  • I agree, de-pipping needs to go. It made sense when grades were ranks and used for matchmaking, but that's long gone. Grades are just for a monthly reward, and losing progress towards the reward sucks.
  • Nah, it used to be 100 for everyone, but BHVR realized that was ridiculous and lowered the number. (At least, that's what I've always heard.) However, Sony is a pain and doesn't like achievements being changed unless they become literally impossible. An early Legion change made an original achievement of his actually…
  • Skilled Huntress. On PlayStation, it requires downing survivors 100 times from farther than 24 meters away. It's an absolute BS achievement and the only one I haven't gotten.
  • If a survivor has birds, they should lose collision so they can get past a teammate or killer who has body blocked them.
  • Us console players have been asking for years for these things: better controls, dead zone and response curve settings for controller, an optional reticle for ranged killers. BHVR acts like keeping reticles away from console players somehow means PC players can't and don't just use their own reticle while console players…
  • Unfortunately, the devs actually use the chase music to balance the game. (This isn't a guess, they have outright stated this.) That means players will continue to get their eardrums blown out if they try to have the volume loud enough to hear those nearly silent footsteps. I gave up trying to use sound to track anyone…
  • One of the reasons players are allowed to dodge lobbies is to avoid matches with a bad ping. That's why there's a ping indicator in the lobby, so players can try to avoid matches where they're going to rubberband around and not be able to do anything. Punishing people for dodging lobbies means those players will instead go…
  • BHVR will make BPS personal only (like Escape Cakes and Survivor Puddings) before they allow survivors to give themselves a 400% Bloodpoint bonus that leaves out the killer, if for no other reason than because every killer ever would absolutely disconnect on the offering screen if they saw that. A BPS has nothing to do…
  • I use Deadlock, which isn't regression, but it's the only gen defense perk I use and I only use it because 1. BBQ lost its BP multiplier, so I had an empty slot, and 2. Deadlock does it's thing without me having to think about it or do anything.
  • I've had games where no one works on gens, all four survivors run around interacting with the killer doing altruistic stuff and getting in chases and it's so much fun even though it inevitably results in a 3 or 4k for the killer. I don't know if the killer enjoyed it, I hope they did since they were constantly active and…
  • It's a video game. It's not always about making sense, sometimes it's just about wanting to keep the player actively involved in what's happening so they feel they're participating. If the character is acting on its own rather than reacting to the player's input, the game feels less interactive. Plus, survivors get points…
  • The framerate on Nostromo is abysmal, especially on Nintendo Switch (and I was playing survivor).
  • But I did include a consolation prize, and to get it all that's required is playing the game. If the last survivor on the map earns enough points, they automatically escape. The hatch is an RNG mechanic, it's not earned and both sides routinely complain it's unfair. The number of matches that get tanked because a survivor…
  • If I remember correctly, I tried as Legion, Chucky, Demo, and Nemesis. I felt equally blind as all of them. My friend says Dredge is good, since you can see the survivors better in night mode. I reached 2 million BP and have nothing to spend it on, though, so my time playing Lights Out is already finished. If the mode…
  • I can't see anything. I don't know how the hell killers are able to chase me when I play survivor, unless the visibility is a lot better on PC than on console, because I sure as hell can't chase survivors as killer. I felt a lot blinder as killer than as survivor in Lights Out mode.
  • The last 2 survivors are trying to complete their objective: escape, a.k.a. not die. Surviving is their objective, not powering gens (which is only 1 means to an escape). Except that if the two remaining survivors refuse to work on gens and instead hide around for an extended amount of time, the devs have said it's…
  • I don't think it's insulting or rude. I don't think most killer mains would consider it rude, either. I think you got a weird one, there, and they're probably one of those people who take everything as an insult, which is on them and not you. Every once in a while I have survivors offer themselves up. Sometimes I take it,…
  • Wrong, wiggling's not pointless, it limits the amount of time the killer can carry a survivor, preventing them from carrying a survivor around the map. I'm sorry you've somehow never gotten off the killer's shoulder, but I have. And I've also had the wiggle function break. Look at how long the Hag got to carry me around…
  • I'm so tired of my teammates playing for the hatch after the first survivor dies. Or even sometimes when no one's died yet. The hatch brings out the worst in survivors. Get rid of the hatch. Get rid of the killer ever being required to 4k for any reason. Instead, if the final survivor has earned more than 7.5k, they get to…
  • I played Lights Out for a while with my friend. It was not fun. Our teammates pretty much refused to touch gens. I mean, I know it's like that in normal mode, but Lights Out somehow managed to actually be worse. Very few killers were having fun with the mode. My friend and I turned DbD off for good when a killer body…
  • I've managed to avoid being extremely bored in Tombstone Mikey matches; I've actually had a lot of fun denying them the Tombstone for as long as possible. Most Mikeys have had to give up and hook me, especially if they don't have infinite tier 3. I've never resorted to using lockers, though, since there are no points to be…
  • If killers are going to be forced to hook or else get huge penalties, anti-hook perks would have to go. If a killer gets heavily punished for slugging when survivors can run hook-denial builds, that would be extremely unfair. They did not succeed but it came at the cost of having to wait out not only the extremely long…
  • Kinda boring for just one of us to play while the other sits around. Or if we're both playing but in different matches, we'll get distracted looking at what's going on in the other's match. Plus, it's nice to do some teamwork and then high five after. Good times. We're just a pair, not a 4-man, and playing in a pair is…
  • It's so easy to solve. Make DS automatic and unlimited until the killer gets a certain distance away from the survivor, or until the survivor does an action to benefit the team ie generator, heal teammate etc. And it disables when only 2 survivors are left. And if a killer persists in tunneling they get stunned an…
  • Console-only cross-play would be amazing. Nintendo Switch has been cut of from cross-play a couple times due to issues in DbD, and my god the matches felt much better when it was just Switch players vs Switch players. I mean, the performance still sucked ass, but we were all suffering together. And getting matches was…
  • I see this tactic plenty, and I don't tunnel, so the survivors doing it aren't trying to counter me or my playstyle, they're demanding I play in a way I don't want to so they can use the perks they brought. The number of survivors who desperately try to annoy me to get me to tunnel them so they can show off their…
  • Nurse on console is the hardest adept. Thank god Nintendo Switch doesn't have achievements, I'd actually cry. I got Chucky on my second attempt. Wasn't too bad. FttE did come in very handy. The most stressful part of adepts is almost always just the last survivor and fighting against the RNG hatch.
  • The visual heartbeat isn't cheating. It is, however, obvious which of my teammates are using it because they begin crouch-walking away from the gen well before I even hear the TR, meaning they don't take aggro but they're also useless as gen jockeys. That can't be fixed, that's just how some players are, they moved from…
  • Ended up on Midwich again with both gens spawning. This time we did the music room gen first, then the chemistry room gen. After an exit gate was opened, the door did dissolve to reveal the secret room.
  • Right now you get value out of sabo without finishing the process, because the killer cannot hook a survivor on a hook that's in the process of being sabo'd. The devs would have to remove that if they removed the cooldown for an unfinished sabo attempt, otherwise survivors could spam it infinitely.
  • I've found teammates are the ones who screw up the new AFC mechanic more than anything. My friend was getting face camped in the basement earlier. Would've gotten off in first state if an injured Bill hadn't hung around upstairs doing nothing, waiting for a free unhook or some such garbage. Bill ended up going down and…
  • I dunno about the OP, but I used to play as Spirit until the devs kept messing with her. Removing collision during her phase made her impossible for me to use. The lagginess and inconsistency of scratch marks has only gotten worse over time, and I've never been able to track via sound in this game. So, I have fun Spirit…
  • It is so much easier for me to just run around and M1 rather than attempting to use my power when the frames are constantly dropping and my input doesn't register until long after I've tried to adjust my aim for whatever the survivor is doing. Trying to use most killer powers is miserable. It's weird to say M1ing is the…
  • My friend and I used them throughout the entire event, both as killer and survivor. The snowmen are such fun to play with.
  • Can you please provide additional information regarding this so that we can investigate this properly. Not sure what else I can add. I was playing with my friend, they were on PS4 Pro and I was on Nintendo Switch. We both witnessed the door not dissolving to reveal the secret room. The killer was Michael Myers.
  • Happens on PS4 as well.
  • The player's name is not required when you create the ticket, so anonymous mode doesn't protect people from being reported and banned. Anonymous mode protects console players from harassment.
  • I was trying to look at the challenges. The screen kept hanging on "fetching data" when I pressed the "up" key on the controller, I had to restart the game each time to get it unstuck, so I went to go see if I'd have a different result when bringing the screen up by talking to the Chimera. The console thing with the button…
  • There's only a small amount of info shown in the pre-game lobby. You can't see what perks a player is running or their Devotion level, if they have anonymous mode on you can't even see their name. With very little information given, any information given looks important. Is Prestige important? Is it an indicator of skill?…
  • It's not unusual for Switch killers to miss 9 out of 10 attempted hits. This is true for me when I play killer on Switch and when I play survivor against a Switch killer. It's a performance issue, not a skill issue, because I do much much much better on PS4. The performance issues are BHVR's fault, not the players'. Taking…
  • That's true right now, but we never know what might change given it's a live service game. And whether or not it's needed, it's frustrating to bank something for months and then have it gone in the blink of an eye. Even the silly free gacha DMM game I play asks "Are you sure?" before I do something that would give me…
  • I think almost everyone who's ever played the game on a platform that's not PC wants cross-progression. I play on Switch. DbD needs the cross-progression that was promised for Switch/PC.
  • I wish they had this for both decals and block types.
  • I think putting on Mindbreaker should get that done, as long as the survivors touch gens.
  • Yeah, he definitely needs to keep the no recoil. That crap really hurts on a controller. I feel like I'm flailing wildly when I try adjust my aim with his blades.