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Member, Alpha Surveyor


  • Cool, I didn't know about the FSR thing. I turned it on, the framerate seemed a bit better. The jaggeds are super bad, and playing docked already has it looking like PS1 graphics, but I never have and never would play this game for its graphics. Unfortunately, the inconsistent input lag is still there: I hit the button and…
  • Yup, this is how I've had fun in the game for a long time now. My build is Beast of Prey, Distressing, Lightborn, and Deadlock; it lets me play chill and earn BP.
  • I reserve the right to dodge teammates who look like they're going to grief me. I've been in enough matches to be able to judge, and every time I've ignored my gut instinct I've regretted it. I don't want to play with two or three people who are obviously together and have crass names. I'm a casual player. I'm not like…
  • Yeah, the challenge is busted. Multiple tries doing exactly what it asked, it'd say it was completed and then be back to zero. I got it done by going beyond the number of hooks it asked for in a single match. I think I killed at least one survivor, too. This bug was reported immediately when the tome went live. Sucks it's…
  • I just watched my friend play a round against Xeno. He was the first one found because his teammates failed skill checks, first one hooked. His teammates didn't heal him after unhooking him, so he was left to heal himself. Then a survivor got chased and brought the killer to my friend while he was still trying to heal.…
  • It never should've taken them so long. I'm glad it's finally happening, but it should've happened back when Ranks became Grades.
  • I hope every one starts running it again and realize they can fight back against tunneling instead of complaining I play on Switch. I've never been able to hit that skill check due to the inconsistent input lag, low fps, and constant frame drops. A one second stun, a thirty second stun, it doesn't matter, the perk has…
  • I miss it, too. Once the BP bonus was removed I started running Deadlock. After all this time, Deadlock still feels like a convenient substitute keeping the perk slot warm while the BBQ BP bonus is sidelined.
  • He can consistently get hits through pallets That can absolutely be countered. Survivors who know what they're doing don't get hit by the tentacle at loops and those survivors are very painful to chase because they turn Nemesis into an M1 killer with no anti-loop power. Maybe once in a year a zombie will help Nemesis out…
  • Shadowborn wasn't used that much. For a long time their functions were that Shadowborn increased the FOV and Lightborn countered flashlights. The perks have nothing in common except their names both end with "born." No one is suddenly running Lightborn because the game added an FOV slider. You're either a player who loves…
  • I mean, yeah, that's definitely the case on console, especially Nintendo Switch. The maps are too dark and there are no brightness/contrast/gamma sliders. They're missing the necessary controller options like dead zone and response curve settings. Nintendo Switch often has a single digit framerate; killer is unplayable, I…
  • You know killer instinct activates when you use the spray, so whenever you use the spray you should be sure that it's the best time for you and the worst time for the killer. If you're using the spray without putting thought into timing and location, then you're not bothering to counter the killer's kit.
  • I really miss the days where events meant EVERYONE got points when an event gen went off. I have complained about this every time there's an event. I am sick of getting sandbagged by teammates who want my 99% complete gen. Teammates are the worst, and I hate that BHVR designs events without taking that into consideration.
  • You're talking to the playerbase like it's rational beings doing these things. I had survivors in a match last night who basically refused to do gens. I got tired of waiting, killed 3 of them, and figured the last one could have the hatch. He noise spammed for five minutes trying to bring me over while I instead chose to…
  • Killers usually dont have a problem to slug for a 4K in regular gameplay Says who? That's a horrible generalization. I hate slugging for the 4k. It is unfun. It's stressful and I feel like a dick doing it. I usually don't even bother when going for the adept, which is also frustrating trying to play against the stupid RNG…
  • You have to position yourself just right and look down at the thing. It is much more difficult to do as killer and because of that it wastes more time than doing it as survivor, which is the opposite of how it should be.
  • The staff members who handle reports already get a ton of reports about people who don't break the rules. If bleeding survivors out were a bannable offense in some situations, the number of reports for non-bannable instances would outweigh the number of times where it broke the rules. And BHVR would have to decide in what…
  • As survivor, I hate that bots play as the "lone wolf," which damns their teammates all too often. And they will open the exit gate first thing and run out. That's worse than useless, it's actually helping the killer in a lot of situations. What the hell do bots need the escape for? Why do they need that BP? I'd prefer bots…
  • It's psychological. A reward is a reward, even if you don't need it. Seeing higher numbers at the end of the match makes you feel like you accomplished more, even if it required less input than earning fewer points on a normal day. I'd be happier about the event if BHVR had fixed it so we could put BP into killswitched…
  • As killer, I usually hook survivors but don't kill. If I'm worried the survivors aren't going to make the save, I'll stand around near the hook (facing away from the survivor) so that the face camp meter fills up (unless their teammates are crouching around nearby screwing that up... you guys need to stop that, you kill…
  • Sitting in a locker isn't playing the game. The survivor isn't doing gens, they're not looking for the hatch, they're not opening the exit gate, they're not trying to escape. Existing on the map isn't playing the game. The survivor and killer were in a standoff situation. Just like the old hatch standoffs. Either of them…
  • Yeah, it's bad on PS4. It's worse on Switch, especially in handheld mode. The game needs brightness/contrast/gamma sliders for console. This issue only ever seems to get worse.
  • Nah, OP can be mad. They didn't unhook anyone, their teammates were (probably?) a 3-man SWF who should've left the solo alone if the solo wanted to be alone. As killer I get pissed at that stuff. If I'm being nice and survivors try to offer up someone who obviously doesn't want to participate, I leave that person alone. If…
  • The best way to try to understand where your points are coming from is occasionally watching the score events in the right top corner during the match and then watching how the score is totaled after the match is over. During this event, you're going to be making a lot of your Bloodpoints from event participation.…
  • the chase music is so loud by intention so while in chase you have a harder time listening to sound cues ^ This. BHVR uses the loud chase music to balance the game. There was recently another thread about this (and many more before it, because 99% of players want to be able to save their hearing from the future tinnitus…
  • I don't notice any change in matches as my grade gets higher. It does seem that if I die once or twice, then I keep dying match after match after match for the rest of at least the day if not beyond. At no point does it ever ever feel the way BHVR has claimed, that the game tries to balance it so that as a survivor you…
  • It's hard to use numbers because the math is complicated. Okay, say you earn 15k by doing normal non-event stuff in the match (hooking, chasing, etc.). Let's say you also got 5k event points (which are points earned for hooking on event hooks and messing with the blood droplets). That's 20k BP combined. If you did every…
  • This isn't players asking for free stuff for existing. This is an event, something live service games have to get people playing more so that those people will spend more money in the game. BHVR puts large price tags on cosmetics to cover the cost of updating the game with new things like events. Most comments I've seen…
  • Did you steal the droplet from her? If you don't injure/down her with your basic attack, it doesn't steal the survivor's droplet. If you're already carrying two droplets, it doesn't steal the survivor's droplet. If you did steal the droplet and it didn't complete the challenge, then that sounds like a bug.
  • But the stated purpose of the event is earning Bloodpoints. If you ignore the Bloodpoints, there's nothing left of the event for it to be a "fine event." Saying you don't care about the purpose of something and thus that thing is fine is nonsensical. It sounds like a large part of this conversation just doesn't apply to…
  • My friend and I both completed that challenge by grabbing a blood drop, getting hit at a pallet, and then throwing the pallet down to stun the killer and steal the blood drop back. Took no effort, done on our first tries.
  • Join the Lightborn gang. I run it in 100% of my games. It sucks that counters that should work against blinds don't, but it feels great when someone tries to blind me with a flashbang and then I know exactly what rock they're crouching behind. Flashbangs are stupid common in my matches and survivors do not seem to expect…
  • Yeah, I got crazy Bloodpoints with those envelopes, they were great. Even disregarding Bloodpoints, the LNY events were fun. I loved the gameplay and the visuals. This Blood Moon event doesn't come close: the in-game mechanic is not really useful or entertaining, and to make it worse the BP gains are meh.
  • I can't complete the Bloody Catch challenge on PS4. I did it just fine on Nintendo Switch, but on PS4 I've finished it twice within matches and then been shown "0/3 hooked" after the match.
  • This is happening on PlayStation 4 as well. I completed it, it didn't count. I restarted the game, completed some other killer challenges in the Tome, then tried the Bloody Catch challenge again. Once again, it showed as completed within the match but after the match it says "0/3."
  • Yup, agreed. I stay away from buying linked cosmetic sets. The fun is in mix-and-matching.
  • I'm in a similar boat, but I want to use her hair and top and ditch the skirt part. I'm not buying it as a linked cosmetic, period.
  • One of the best moments I ever had in any match was due to Rancor + Nemesis. My friend and I were survivors. The killer, Wesker, turned out to have that combo of perks, so after he mori'd the first survivor my friend and I each ran to a pallet, stunned him, and we both got mori'd. It was awesome. I'd hate to have a chance…
  • I earned so so many more points during the Lunar New Year event thanks to that envelope they did. The envelopes were awesome. Not only are the Bloodpoints I'm earning right now pitiful, but this blood thing is also just generally not a fun mechanic. The Halloween event with the ghosts was fun. The snowmen were fun. This…
  • The basements are damn near pitch black on Switch. It's awful. I really really hate how the game gets worse and worse on Switch. If they won't give us the Switch cross-progression they promised they could at least make sure the game is playable.
  • I play friendly all the time. I often only hook each survivor once if that. I avoid chasing any one survivor for too long. I have seen people escape with sub-8k in those matches. I am seeing many many survivors who do nothing but crouch around the edges of the map and don't touch gens, don't do anything except stealth…
  • Performance issues. If the framerate is so bad that I can't land a hit, then I'm better off putting down the controller. Either way, I'm no threat to the survivors, so I might as well not frustrate myself or prolong it by slowing down gen repair. It happens a lot on Nintendo Switch.
  • Every time a new killer comes out, the response from survivors is that they're tired of going up against the new killer. If you're playing DbD when a new killer is released, then you should expect to see that killer. If you don't like the new killer, take a break for a week (the new character's usage rate usually drops…
  • I wouldn't care about them linking the cosmetics if it didn't include the weapons. I want to be able to change weapons regardless of the killer's appearance. I'm tired of the weapons being bound to linked sets across all killers, but with the Unknown the weapons are very different, and the axes are boring as hell.
  • They didn't ask to get it reversed, they asked how to prevent this in the future because they don't know what they did wrong. They can't change their behavior if they don't know what they did that caused the ban.
  • I agree, de-pipping needs to go. It made sense when grades were ranks and used for matchmaking, but that's long gone. Grades are just for a monthly reward, and losing progress towards the reward sucks.
  • Nah, it used to be 100 for everyone, but BHVR realized that was ridiculous and lowered the number. (At least, that's what I've always heard.) However, Sony is a pain and doesn't like achievements being changed unless they become literally impossible. An early Legion change made an original achievement of his actually…
  • Skilled Huntress. On PlayStation, it requires downing survivors 100 times from farther than 24 meters away. It's an absolute BS achievement and the only one I haven't gotten.
  • If a survivor has birds, they should lose collision so they can get past a teammate or killer who has body blocked them.