I was gonna say anyone standing near a hooked player for a few seconds, the killer should be hit with a slow fatigue or get blinded or gets blurry vision as a punishment for a few seconds, but that could be difficult to go by. I was also going to say people can report the killers to be unfair players and the developers…
There's nothing wrong with "t-bagging". It's fun and funny and does literally no harm to anyone.
They get a quitter bonus.
Well, that depends, because I had to catch myself from quitting. If they were hooked 2 times and ongoing to three, I wouldn't blame them for leaving. Why watch what you already know is gonna happen? Or what if their internet is acting dumb? Or what if they had to go? Or what if someone unplugged their ps4? There's more to…
What's wrong with messing with killers? Sure beats the anger they leave in you for camping. Teabaggin is light-hearted and ain't merely as bad as camping. Why do people complain of the littlest things?
The Pig
Not sure. I just hate how Meg isn't quicker than the other survivors when it clearly states she is suppose to be athletic. She should be quicker than the survivors and a tad bit as quick as the killer.
Thanks 😁😁 I hope they add her
Thanks my dude 😁
Its okay when you didn't get to hook one survivor or kill at least one survivor by the time 3 generators were done. That or it is okay when all generators are done and you got someone.
Im confused as to what's going on
Im confused as to whats
Here she is