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  • You can place the snares in a way there is literally no way to avoid them other than taking a hit, or moving off the tile. On many maps, you won't make it to the next tile without taking a hit. I am sorry if you can't figure out how to do that.
  • Nope. Ruin was a crutch. I am a killer main. I know who the BS killers are, and don't feel much accomplishment winning with them. She really is, just aim in their general direction and the hatchet hits half the time. She probably has the strongest chase in the game next to spirit. Her only weakness is mobility. You can…
  • Yes, he was the highest kill rate killer in the game before his slight nerfs because he was such a balanced killer. It's not like he can shut down almost every single loop in the game by holding M2 as he walks. It's just now he can't slap on two add-ons and get a ton of generator pressure for free.
  • I doubt it, all I see from your posts is crying about ruin and killer nerfs. There's a reason you see freddy played like 1/3 of the game at red ranks. Same reason you see huntress another 1/3 of the time (carried by hitboxes 2x the size of the hatchets). He is easy as hell to play. You don't even need to M1 to put people…
  • And you play freddy instead of an actual killer, what does that say about you? Someone who can't mindgame and probably gets dumped on if you try to play an M1 killer. Keep spamming those snares like a pleb, I am happy they got nerfed.
  • There's so many pallets in the game you can get trapped at and snare lusted. Can't dodge the bright obvious red snares when you are stuck looping a car or something and will take a hit if you move off, so then you eat the snares and take a hit eventually anyways.
  • Oh man, so you need to place some of your snares in advance instead of mindlessly spamming them down at every loop? Freddy trash tier now.
  • I had someone try this on me when I was playing leatherface. It didn't work out very well for them, to say the least. Made sure to 1 hook him as well, as punishment.
  • New ruin isn't even that bad. If you are applying pressure across the map, by downing survivors in a timely manner, it will be passively regressing everything because they have to leave the gens to do unhooks. It also means you don't have to stop and kick gens while you are chasing people off them, they just start…
  • I think that would be overpowered with some of his add-on combinations. You could do tar bottle+ honing stone traps and be carrying 2? That would be really nuts in my opinion, if you played him well.
  • You can get 96,000 with a survivor pudding, the BBQ perk, and a perfect game. And that's usually enough points to be chaining puddings together.
  • You can go watch plenty of rank 1 survivors and killers play with a controller. Brother cope / liltinyplane comes to mind. I personally play survivor with a controller and killer with a mouse and keyboard, because it's way more comfortable to hold X all game then hold M1 all game as survivor. I feel like it's easier to 360…
  • Not really, I would only think it would matter on huntress or nurse. Especially nurse, where you need to do a 360 if the survivor is leaping across pallets. For the M1 killers I doubt it will matter. The main advantage is that DBD on xbox / PS4 are practically unplayable because of the frame rate. That should really be…
  • Cause if you hit stealth killers, or like hag, and are not running spine chill; it's pretty terrifying to stay injured. If you are getting tunneled straight off the hook there is no time to get healed by a teammate. Botany knowledge with a medkit is better but then you can't have a commodious toolbox or key; far superior…
  • It is an S tier perk. Shuts down most god-windows, only not the double god-windows on the asylum or the wretched shop. Shuts down shack, cow tree, ironworks of misery infinite, coal tower infinite, suffocation pit infinite, rancid abattoir infinite (somewhat), fracted cowshed infinite, and can be used at every jungle gym…
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