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  • I completely agree. They don’t have as many aggressive options now so they've become more passive. This is the hard part of balancing this game. They've fixed the issue of good survivors using these perks but now the majority of casual players suffer. Especially against some of the stronger killer builds/add-ons.
  • I’m not trolling just busy with my life outside of dbd lol. You’re missing the entire point of this. It’s not about the tunneling or any of that. The message I was trying to get across is new players cannot keep up. Which is why they're beginning a new strategy of not interacting with the killer. Stealth itself isn't…
  • I completely agree. UW is super busted but i dont want that to become the topic of the discussion.
  • I also wanted to add that this may also be a result of survivors having less aggressive/offensive perks and tools at their disposal.
  • You bring up a good point. I think letting those ones stay up regardless is fine. Noed already shows you where its at once somebody goes down anyways.
  • Candyman and Bloodborne would be amazing. I also think Gascoigne would be a good addition. I thought he'd be able to switch stances. His one handed axe would be normal killer stuff, but he'd be able to pepper survivors with his gun to stun them for a split second like the parries in the game. Two handed would make him…
  • I'd love to hear those power concepts if you have the time.
  • Also for fixing him (sorry for the massive text walls but i love this killer). I forgot that part. I honestly don't know how. Because BHVR actually tried this fairly recently on a PTB. His shockwave would apply torment. To encourage people to land hits with it instead of getting a boner at the idea of zoning. But, this…
  • I used to main him for a while, and I can tell you from personal experience that he's as fun as the player decides they want him to be. Hitting crazy shots through walls or loops? Pretty fun. Once you get good with it there's a lot of mind-games to be had. It takes genuine effort on both sides since smart survivors will…
  • I would think a drastic change to the basic mechanics of the end-game. Something to help mid-game, then kicking it up to the max near the end. I can't exactly think of something like that in full right now, and I'm away from my pc a lot at the moment (as u can tell from my week long delayed response). The one I thought of…
  • i did that, and nothing happened.
  • Gen rushing doesn't exist. If you're losing gens that fast then you're doing something wrong. You need to build pressure which is a combination of game knowledge and macro. Way too in depth and nuanced for just a forum post, but if you want things to help then here's some. Lethal Pursuer: This perk will help you learn…
  • The way match making works is it takes players with similar mmr and considers them, but if there's not enough players then everyone and their grandma is allowed into the lobby. It just serves to separate the babies from anyone with more than 100 hours of experience.
  • Why? The only issue with boons was just how over-tuned COH was. The infinite self heals are gone. Boons were never actually that strong COH was just super good.
  • I do think the perks needed to be tuned back due to them being the main culprit of the 3 gen meta. But, I agree that it's kind of pathetic. I wish they would make more regression perks like Pop. They should be stronger on gens with more progress rather than taking a gen at 20% back down to zero in a matter of seconds. I…
  • It's not game stalling so technically it's not bannable. But it's no doubt crappy and unfair. Thankfully there's only a handful of those spots and the majority of people don't know about them. Sorry about the bad game though because I know it's frustrating.
  • Like everyone else has said it's great with MoM. I think it's just more niche especially since there's safer and more reliable perks. But honestly I hope it stays that way. Not because of some issue I have with the perk but I wish there were more like it. It's mostly fun, but still has utility. It's the same reason I love…
  • I don't mean complete beginners but more the ones who have a bit of experience but think they're better than they are.
  • You can do that easily. But you're also not going to win that way, since you're actively avoiding the challenge of the video game to do so. Strategy is a core component of dbd and if you dislike that then you're never going to like the game. Even simple strategies like 3 gens can be a deciding factor in the end.
  • That's actually the reason I want it, but I can also see the potential problems with it as well. She's definitely strong enough without it though.
  • I think this is the conclusion we all have here. It doesn't enhance her power in a ridiculous way and she doesn't need too many buffs because her design is solid.
  • This is it mostly. A lot of "toxicity" is usually people goofing around or players who haven't unlearned bad habits. Like camping and tunneling killers will almost always win against your average solo-que team. But put them against a group of experienced survivors or a swf that can coordinate around that then they fail…
  • All the people who say that it isn't their responsibility to make the game fun for other people are the same ones that DC when they miss their Dead Hard or lose 3 gens from tunneling a guy. You don't have to actively lose, but you don't have to play like your life is on the line. People take this game way too seriously and…
  • It's just that it's such a boring perk. I don't even wait it out that much anymore because I just hate waiting forever until they DH. Chases with DH suck because in the split second you would have got the survivor they make it so they escape anyways. It's also nearly uncounterable at pallets without good ping. The only…
  • It's an interesting idea. I've thought of it too. I think for certain perks with larger regression numbers, it's not a horrible idea. They should take off more of a further progressed gen and less for one with smaller progress. It'd make things a little more fair. Getting your half way done gen popped back in ye olden days…
  • that's the neat part, it isn't. i'd rather play garden of joy than badham.
  • The way these killers function is different which is important. Trickster can technically down faster with good accuracy. I can tell you myself it's possible to down someone 40 meters away with him. Get somewhere high and start pelting them, they cant go anywhere. The reason Trickster is a busted camper is he has more…
  • No that is a good way to use him. You mix the two styles together. I think the pallet break zoning is cool, but like I mentioned it doesn't matter much if they have another loop 3 feet away. Guard snipes are really the fun part of his kit, yet they rarely provide enough substance to do anything.
  • So hold a 3 gen until survivors give up? Got it.
  • True, I just wish he had other styles. I really like the idea of his power. Being able to summon minions and control the map should be cool. Being a necromancer juggernaut is cool to nerds like me. It just feels so undercooked and restrictive. You can't make the guards too strong in chase or else that's all they'll be used…
  • I think Dredge is the embodiment of Evil. Not to be confused with Micheal who's evil incarnate. Not a huge difference but still an important one between the two. The Dredge isn't actually the meat suit but a formless darkness that preys on pain and fear.
  • It's different with Doctor. His eyes aren't white due to entity magic but more so the fact they're always pried open and surging with electricity. Doctor doesn't really care about any lives, possibly even his own, if it means he can further his research. Unrelated but I wish we would get more Doctor lore relating to that…
  • i would think he goes for the more interesting or attractive appearing faces. otherwise he doesnt discriminate.
  • I completely agree with what you said about boons. COH is really what makes them ass. Nobody is going to use anything else because COH will always be the best and safest option. I think boons are a really cool idea. Shadow Step and Exponential are also really great boons. I think that one Yoichi boon could even be good if…
  • I like this too. It's always been dumb to me that something called a Hex is removed so easily by what should be the weaker power.
  • I like this idea, but a very evil thing you can do against boons already is run Thrill of the Hunt. Blessing a hex totem takes an entire minute and blessing a dull totem is about 40 seconds. So if you hate boons run that in the mean time until they get addressed or changed (if that ever even happens). It's especially cruel…
  • Prestige really doesn't indicate anything but time on a certain character. I've had prestige 60's crouch around the map and die in seconds, while I've also been juiced by prestige 3's. The only trend I notice with high prestiges is they're more likely to take you to a bad map. I usually burn an Autohaven or Macmillian…
  • This is definitely the wrong way to go about it. The biggest problem with old DH was not just the invincibility. It was that you could immediately make up for any distance lost at any point. If you watch old clips or remember playing it against it, you should remember that majority of the time people would just DH toward a…
  • I agree. But we're not going to see it go anywhere soon. Best we can hope for is some more limitations.
  • Yea and I addressed this. It's both ways. The entirety of this post is a call to remove those situations where DH lets you go for free around loops. You swing too early and you give them the endurance. Too late they drop the pallet. This is entirely tied to ping, meaning the already small window of error for killers closes…
  • You're completely missing the point though. If the counter to DH is to just not do anything until it's gone, that is a problem. You can do a million fake outs, all you're doing is screwing yourself. Everything in this game has visual and audio ques, so saying it's impossible to reaction DH is just dumb. I can promise you…
  • A few issues with this. Artist and Nurse don't really care about DH because their entire powers are "I don't have to play the game lmao". For the others, you can 100% use dead hard to force a losing scenario for them. Trickster has to either wait longer to get the last throw, losing precious time for his laceration meter…
  • Yea it really doesnt need much outside of that. This one interaction is just really dumb.
  • I agree with you wholly. Killer's meta will always prioritize gen regression because so many other perks just aren't as reliable or straight up useless. And without it the games feel like they spiral out of control too quickly. BHVR needs to somehow find a way out of this pigeon hole. Which will only realistically happen…
  • Killers aren't going to tunnel and camp more or less than they already do just because of a few perks, I can promise that. It's a copium statement to begin with as they're just fearmongering survivors into not wanting the changes. Almost every discussion somebody says something along these lines that killers will have nooo…
  • It's not a bad idea in theory, but the biggest issue is if you make it possible to escape through hatch after being shut killers will just camp hatch until you show up. Which is even more boring than before. Basically bringing back hatch stand-offs but where they're entirely in the killers favor. You wouldn't think someone…
  • Yea pretty much summed it up there. I think it's not a bad idea to leave the last survivor with an escape option so they don't just afk since they probably can't do much anymore. But as you said it just feels like u lose a kill for no reason or the guy who did nothing all match gets rewarded with an escape. You go for the…
  • The only thing that's really aggravating is getting denied hits due to bad collision or auto aim. The first is something I should probably just learn how to play around, but normally it's coming from debris that's barely on screen. People who send you to dumb maps and gloat about it in endgame are also kind of annoying,…
  • I think what would be better is DS giving a speed boost after stunning the killer. That way you can actually make an escape and the killer isn't stuck in place forever. Right now it's useless because you don't make distance and the old one felt really bad to play against. Once the fear of DS is back tunneling will stop…