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  • I only played killer a few times, mostly Leatherface. I might sound like a complete cocky moron, but it was much easier than survivor. I mainly played it to get bloodpoints for my survivors and see if playing killer was as easy as I thought it would be. I killed all the survivors usually, but that might just be because…
  • But then why to survivors seem to mostly lose? I lose very often, and of course, the obvious answer would be "you suck'. But some of my friends have played the game for a very long time and still lose easily. It feels so unfair, and I know I'm complaining like a little baby, but I feel that this game is very killer-sided.…
  • I suppose you're right, but I still think that the game should be faster in general. Doing gens with ruin is slow and boring to me. But at the same time, the suspense is great. Still, I think killers are OP. Even if they are hulking terrifying monsters, I still think most players should have a good chance against them. I…
  • While I think that that's a little much, I agree that there should be a downside to camping or a way to prevent it.
  • I wrote a whole thing responding to you, but it got deleted for some reason. Anyone, in short, what I said was; - I agree with your point that shrine counters pay to win and rewards progression when playing other killers. I would be comfortable with it if there weren't so many OP killer perks on there all the time. Maybe…
  • I kinda want to point out the irony in saying "Brian cell" instead of brain cell. But anyway, Freddy is not easy to run around because of his incredible lunge and GF is very fast, very hard to stop from becoming a one-hit killer, and half of the time, you cant even hear him coming.
  • I agree with you on the second point. You do still have to play to get the perks and the shrine exists to counter pay to win. Agreed. However, I would be completely comfortable with the shrine if there weren't so many OP killer perks on there all the time. Any good survivor perk that is put on seems to be nerfed right…
  • I am not demanding they change it, I don't think I'm the developer. 1 or 2 survivors dying per game should be the average, only skilled killers should be able to wipe the whole squad. But right now, any Freddy or Ghostface, even if they are skilled or unskilled, can win with ease. That's not even taking the perks into…
  • I am not demanding that they change it, I don't believe that I'm the developer. 1 or 2 people dying per game should be the regular. Only skilled killers should be able to kill the whole team. But right now, anyone who plays Ghostface or Freddy wins pretty much all the time no matter how skilled they are. That's not even…
  • 1st off, this game is competitive. Competitive does not mean it has to have a competitive ranking mode similar to Overwatch, it means you face off against other people to win. It is competitive because you are trying to win and trying to make someone else lose. 2nd off, of course I want balance. Every survivor player wants…
  • Do you even know anything about video games? Competitive games are supposed to be balanced and fair, as to allow everyone to enjoy themselves instead of getting destroyed. Yes, killers are OP in movies, but they shouldn't be in games.
  • I agree. Most killers seem completely overpowered and unbeatable in their current state, even when faced against the most skilled survivor players.
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