These killers deserve a nerf after Spirit!?!



  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    There's bigger fish to fry as far as balance goes than these relatively non-problematic killers.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982


    Freddy - Wake up.

    Ghostface - Look.

    Either good bait or you really don’t like killers. They’re strong, let them be strong. The only change Freddy needs is forever Freddy but nothing else. Also saying “I main killer” or “I’m a rank one killer” doesn’t mean anything.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I don't think this is a joke thread. OP sounds pretty serious.

  • Demogorgon84
    Demogorgon84 Member Posts: 25

    I agree with the freddy swing chain thing. “Lol just wake up” yea your only gonna be awake for 60 seconds max. I feel bad for you because you respond with valid points and people just say “git gud”. With ghostface, Im not gonna comment because I rarely play against him but at times it does feel like taking him out of stalk is a pain.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90


    1. Each survivor that wakes up one another will then take twice as long the next time.
    2. Failing a skill check reveals your location
    3. Running across the map makes the killer more likely to find you and waste times that could be spent on gens
    4. Being rescued from a hook means your already hurt and close to death
    5. Adrenaline is good lmao, i'll give you that one

    Also saying "just not stepping on his snares" is like saying just dont get stabbed as a survivor and you'll win. Also relocating to another pallet is just asking for him to swipe you.

    As for Ghostface, the difference between him and Wraith is that Wraith has to hit his bell and alert you to his presence, unlike Ghostface, who doesn't do that at all. This is all not considering add ons btw, otherwise we'd be talking about completely different killers in that case.

    Also insulting me first and then saying i'm desperate and lack credibility really only proves my point earlier about you being hypocritical. Your point of trying to prove your intelligence and make me look inferior and idiotic is kinda null if you started with the insults.

    "You're either doing one of two things -- not reading any of them and therefore are being willfully ignorant, or you are reading them, don't agree with them, and are being blissfully arrogant. I guess based on your response, it's the former."

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Nah. Killers don't need nerfed.

    Now hitboxes...hitboxes are a different story...

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Oh yeah.....uh huh..... I see....

    Freddy: what about the alarm clock that rewards more time before falling asleep, this you don't have to worry about any of freddy's abilities.... hes just a trapless trapper that can teleport every 45secs

    Ghostface: what your ability to look around and pay attention and handle him again like a trapless trapper?

    No counterplay ..the stupidest argument ever

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90
  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I don't think @Sairek would consider themselves a challenger when the person they are "challenging" isn't even that challlenging. Just tedious and monotonous.

    What do you want us to say? Agree with you? Even if we give you all the counters in the world you would still say Freddy and Ghostface are overpowered just because you don't find them fun.

    And to add, no I'm not going to continue this conversation after this. Like Sairek, I'd rather end it before it even starts.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @DelsKibara Listen if you provide with hard evidence, clips, or screenshots providing evidence I would be more than willing to change my mind. Provide actual arguments other than saying I should try something else.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I can twist that by saying why aren't you providing evidence of your own?

    Surely the burden of proof is not on us, but on you. Prove to us that Freddy and Ghostface are broken, overpowered, non-counterable killers with hard video evidence.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    This is so obviously a joke that it hurts me inside seeing people believeng it

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    There’s no way that this isn’t bait.

  • The_Sharp_Ninja
    The_Sharp_Ninja Member Posts: 39

    First, calling someone mentally challenged isn’t how you get your point across. Second, as a Micheal main with an unbiased opinion, the iridescent addons and the fragrant tuft are ultra-rare for a reason. Third, the tuft of hair has a stat that requires more time to activate infinite tier 3, and usually by that point 3 gens have popped.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    NO more killer nerfs. Yes more killer buffs. But BHVR won't do that, they don't want to make Survivors have to work very hard. Just killers.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The Devs don't care about your nerf suggestion unless it somehow negatively impacts Pig.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    Your ######### high if your think freddy is getting nerfed. He just got buffed after being the worst killer for so long. And ghost face just came out, how about you get your head out of your ass and play some killer instead of being a whiny salty survivor main.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Deltin Not a survivor main and just because something was just released doesn't mean it cant be changed.

  • Gobblas
    Gobblas Member Posts: 1

    I dunno about needing a killers nerf but more than anything they need a perk nerf, BBQs and chill is way to powerful and the hags hex ruin needs a timer. It's frustrating when you spend an entire game looking for that ruin just so you can play the game.

    Just my two cents

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    @DuckApproved well, either way. there is no need for them to be nerfed. just get good and play against them. it takes time but anyone can do it.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    This better be a bait.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I can't stop laughing my ass off.

    This is exactly what I told you where the invalid complaints of a few would lead to. Sure this post might be bait/trolling. You wanted that when the most people cry about something it will get changed, devs agreed to this stupidity. This is what the future holds for you. You made your bed, now sleep in it. Just a matter of time.

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    Play as the killer you want so desperately to be nerfed, then make an argument

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    i disagree with forever freddy. because i timed my average killer game with every different killer with that same build. my games where all under 10 minutes except freddy and plague. If anything it shows how stupidly fast the gens are.

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Get good. Stop moaning about killers. How about the next stupid idea be remove killers. Do you survivors genuinely want there to be no killers because any more killers get nerfed or anything then there are gonna be no killers because they won't even be strength in there court. Just stop whinging. Imo all killers need to be massively buffed

  • EridianBlaze
    EridianBlaze Member Posts: 33

    Well if that's the case, then every other Killer needs a Nerf to their power. There's no counterplay to Clown after I've been hit by his gas. The only escape would be to either take the hit or use map awareness to know "Hey, I'm right next to a window" and vault it. There's no counter to Myer's when he's staring at me and pops Tier 3. And since being outside the jurisdiction is only temporary, you can't just say "Oh, just break LOS with Myers" since that means I'm not currently effected by his power. Plus he can just walk around the wall/tree/rock. You can't counter a Bubba who is right behind your with his Chainsaw ready to slice you to bits. Oh, here's an idea! Let's Nerf Killers so that they can't walk!

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I agree. Most killers seem completely overpowered and unbeatable in their current state, even when faced against the most skilled survivor players.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    please tell me your ######### joking. They're killers... not muppets. they're supposed to have the advantage from the get go! Do you even know anything about horror?!

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    Do you even know anything about video games? Competitive games are supposed to be balanced and fair, as to allow everyone to enjoy themselves instead of getting destroyed. Yes, killers are OP in movies, but they shouldn't be in games.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    1st off this game ain't competitive. sure theres a ranking system, but everyone complains about it.

    2nd off, balanced? come on now. If you wanted balanced we wouldn't even be arguring about adrenaline and NOED.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    1st off, this game is competitive. Competitive does not mean it has to have a competitive ranking mode similar to Overwatch, it means you face off against other people to win. It is competitive because you are trying to win and trying to make someone else lose.

    2nd off, of course I want balance. Every survivor player wants balance. I don't even understand you're point. You're basically saying, "we are never going to get balance so forget about it, that's not how the game works." That is how the game SHOULD work. It should be balanced, it should be fair.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    should work and will work are two different things. last time i checked the game was created by BHVR, not you. Also if the game where to be balanced atleast 1 or 2 people would die per match against any killer.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I am not demanding that they change it, I don't believe that I'm the developer. 1 or 2 people dying per game should be the regular. Only skilled killers should be able to kill the whole team. But right now, anyone who plays Ghostface or Freddy wins pretty much all the time no matter how skilled they are. That's not even taking the perks into consideration. Why is Hex: Ruin even a thing? It slows the game and makes it boring. Every match should be fast-paced, adrenaline-enducing and fun.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I am not demanding they change it, I don't think I'm the developer. 1 or 2 survivors dying per game should be the average, only skilled killers should be able to wipe the whole squad. But right now, any Freddy or Ghostface, even if they are skilled or unskilled, can win with ease. That's not even taking the perks into consideration. Why is Hex: Ruin a thing? It only slows the game. Each match should be fast-paced, adrenaline-enducing and fun. Why is the Shrine of Secrets a thing? It allows players to unlock the most powerful perks without even mastering the character who owns it first. It shortens progression and playtime.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Fast-paced and adrenaline-inducing? That's a tall order when there's only one killer and four survivors. Trying to juggle survivors is stressful as hell. I don't run Ruin myself, usually, but I understand why killers do. Without it, it's easy for a match to be fast-paced in that the generators go pop pop pop and the survivors rush out the exit gates within a few minutes.

    And the Shrine exists so that the game can't be called "pay to win." In theory (I say "in theory" due to RNG), all perks can be bought in the shrine with currency earned through playtime. No perk is available via money only. That is why the Shrine is a thing.

  • PotEtU
    PotEtU Member Posts: 44

    Shut your whining ass up

    As a survivor main i see that most killers need a buff. Freddy and GF are perfectly fine. Fairly easy to run around if you have more then one Brian cell

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I agree with you on the second point. You do still have to play to get the perks and the shrine exists to counter pay to win. Agreed. However, I would be completely comfortable with the shrine if there weren't so many OP killer perks on there all the time. Any good survivor perk that is put on seems to be nerfed right after, probably because of complaints, but killer's good perks are not. I want balance, so that the shrine may exist peacefully. Also, Hex may be the only thing that can stop gen rushing (except discordance I guess), but is there no other way to make the game more fast-paced? There has to be some way to make the game fast, scary and fair. I can't exactly think of one myself, but is there no other theoretical way?

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I kinda want to point out the irony in saying "Brian cell" instead of brain cell. But anyway, Freddy is not easy to run around because of his incredible lunge and GF is very fast, very hard to stop from becoming a one-hit killer, and half of the time, you cant even hear him coming.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I wrote a whole thing responding to you, but it got deleted for some reason. Anyone, in short, what I said was;

    - I agree with your point that shrine counters pay to win and rewards progression when playing other killers. I would be comfortable with it if there weren't so many OP killer perks on there all the time. Maybe you could do challenges to earn them when they were on there, I don't know. But all the good perks for survs I've seen on there usually get nerfed right after. Good survivor perks in general get nerfed.

    - Hex may be the only perk to counter gen rushing (and discordance, I guess), but is there no other way for the game to be fast and enjoyable yet fair? I can't think of one myself, exactly, but is there no possible way except making the game slower?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The problem is, horror isn't necessarily a fast-paced genre. Stalking isn't fast, it's slow: it creates anticipation, builds tension, paranoia. Working on gens isn't a fast-paced, fun mechanic: it's slow. It's busy work for survivors that forces them out into the open so killers can find them. Trapper, one of the first killers, needs set up time. He has to go around the map, collect his traps, and place them in strategic locations.

    Fast-paced would be more horror action, like a zombie game.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2019

    I suppose you're right, but I still think that the game should be faster in general. Doing gens with ruin is slow and boring to me. But at the same time, the suspense is great. Still, I think killers are OP. Even if they are hulking terrifying monsters, I still think most players should have a good chance against them. I don't understand why the nerfed things like Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and Mettle of Man. Don't they all just make the game a little more interesting? You get a second chance, or a chase lasts a bit longer, further scaring the player. Maybe things like Ruin and Barbecue would be fine if the killers had perks equivalent to them in power. It would be scarier if I had more of a chance against them, as the scariness would go on for longer.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    you are a really sad person if this is not a bait mate.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The problem with strong survivor perks is that there are 4 survivors, so a really strong perk becomes even stronger when multiple survivors run it.

    The perks you listed were broken. Sure, I had fun running Mettle of Man as survivor, but I recognized it was completely unfair. Killers had no counterplay to that. I mean, what could they do to avoid proc'ing it, just never hit the survivor? MoM was so powerful that there was basically no reason not to run it. And DS was so disgusting that I refused to use it in its original form. It punished the killer for winning a chase. It was extremely unhealthy for the game. Those perks didn't make killers' games more interesting; they made playing killer even more frustrating than it already is. And when multiple survivors ran those perks, it made for miserable games for killers.

    (DS and BT are still strong. Hopefully one day Mettle of Man will become usable without being overpowered.)

    Survivor perks basically have to be about 1/4th as powerful as killer perks, otherwise survivors become too powerful. I mean, that's oversimplifying it, but I think it gets my meaning across. In an asymmetrical game, that's how balance works. If a survivor goes against the killer 1v1, the survivor is meant to lose. But if the 4 survivors work together, they can destroy the killer. A well coordinated team is a nightmare for most killers.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Why is hex ruin a thing well in red and purple ranks it's to prevent three gens being done in under two minutes you can't even chase a good survivor in high ranks or you lose the game going against certain teams

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    But then why to survivors seem to mostly lose? I lose very often, and of course, the obvious answer would be "you suck'. But some of my friends have played the game for a very long time and still lose easily. It feels so unfair, and I know I'm complaining like a little baby, but I feel that this game is very killer-sided. Does anybody agree with me and my friends, or am I just a man child who can't process losing?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I constantly lose as survivor. I'm pretty terrible at playing survivor, but even in games where I do play well I can often die due to bad plays by teammates. That's one of the more difficult things about playing survivor: your teammates. You get stuck with a random group of people, and even if you play awesome, even if you repair a bunch of gens and save everyone multiple times, you can die on your first hook because your teammates suck.

    My opinion is that solo survivors need to be buffed so that they have the kind of information SWF have. Survivors don't need more second chance perks with no counterplay that frustrate the hell out of killers; survivors need more information about what their teammates are doing so they can be better coordinated even without talking to each other.

    Do you play killer? I don't mean like playing it once at rank 20; I mean playing killer regularly, ranking up and playing Clown against a group of halfway decent survivors. Or playing Ghostface and trying to stalk survivors with Spine Chill or, ya know, eyes. I'm not being flippant, it's a serious question. Micromanaging games, trying to juggle survivors as killer, trying to effectively use killers' powers... even though I usually die as a survivor, survivor still feels like the much more relaxed mode to play.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2019

    I lost braincells reading this post. Whats next? All killers must have 50% movement speed?

    Only thing about Freddy that may need a change are his slowdown addons as when stacked are quite annoying and frustrating but aside from that Freddy is fine.

  • WaffleSSJt
    WaffleSSJt Member Posts: 12

    I only played killer a few times, mostly Leatherface. I might sound like a complete cocky moron, but it was much easier than survivor. I mainly played it to get bloodpoints for my survivors and see if playing killer was as easy as I thought it would be. I killed all the survivors usually, but that might just be because Leatherface is OP? I don't know. It just seems to me like tunneling is very easy. I never camped anyone (I didn't want to be toxic), but that seems very easy, as well. You also get a lot more bloodpoints, it seems. I let a survivor go to be nice and I still got 36k! Seems mad to me.