
Is MMR back?


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  • The only way you would win a killer with nothing is if the survivors you were up against are weak. Also the only way to tell if a killer is viable or weak is based on your performance against the very "top 4%" ( those group of survivors that know how to work every loop on every map, have >5000 hours in the game each of…
  • Quitting is bannable. From what you say here i can deduce a few things: 1) she probably wanted to depip intentionally, alot of people do that, and with quitting being penalised, the next best thing is for her to quickly die on hook. 2) she probably just wanted out. Not everyone forgets real life the moment they are in a…
  • If you are to stupid to accept when the killer doesn't let you have it your way, please leave our community. If complain about camping , tunneling, then why dont you also complain about the fact that 4 people use microphones , A THING THAT IS NOT A GAME MECHANIC THEREFOR IT IS BORDERLINE CHEATING, to bully 1 person? Also…
  • This the worse and most hilarious survivor main complaint i have ever seen. Just say that you get angry when the killer rekts you with mori or that you are a little ######### who would quit the match when it doesnt let you have it your way. DC penalty is one of the best features they've added to keep punks like you from…
  • Personally I love Cross-Play. i get to meet new people and i have fun reguardless of their skill level. and even reguardless if i die. as killer it can be stressful but thats part of the game with or without cross-play. the integration of crossplay makes this community come together EVEN more, i dont see any reason to turn…
  • This is why this game should never be treated competitively, no matter how we feel about it when we play. Its 4 v 1, it is never intended to be a competition to give it so much thought to the point where we forget that its main goal is to simply enjly ourselves. I' m curious to know what is your real life job and if you…
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