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  • Guys if u want a chance to get dwight code head over to twitch xstarwake there streaming now. But to make it fair on console players there putting the code on the overlay but missing the 2 last digits so it gives everyone chance to get one the about 3 mins later they put the last 2 digits in chat for you
  • Its hard i completely agree with you. To me if i cant grind one month im forced to play killer to get them levels in. There is a reason for the rift to be set out the way it is so ur not forced to play both. So if u dont wanna play both u are forced to grind to get you moneys worth. People that have that luxury to sit and…
  • That actually makes alot of sense coz last rift i was short of 25 tiers completing all survivors tome and leaving killers alone. So yer i think i may be looking at at least 5 hours a day to grind out them points. Thanks for that tho defo gonna need cheering on as i have a massive grind a head of me.
  • Sorry for late reply. I think it may have been u that said to play killer. I wont play killer at all the reason for that is in one of the replys. I normally have on average no more than 3 hours a day on it as by the time i get home from work have my tea it 9pm and in bed for 12 so yer its about 3 hours i may get a push of…
  • This is what i was looking of in response so thank you for letting me know how u manage to complete it. It kinda helps know what exactly is need to complete it. Unfortunately i dont play killer at all so i will need to grind that little more
  • Its not that i have a problem with it i love the new add on to the whole game it stops it from getting stale and boring when ur challenged to complete the tomb i was asking the question of how do people feel about the grind of the rift. I as a survivor main and do not play killer at all is due to personal reasons and the…
  • @FireHazard See i dont see much of a problem with the tome. Its the rift and the 70 levels which i find a grind. It kinda make me a bit mad as ive asked fog whispers what they thought of the grind of the rift which there reply was its not bad at all its easy. They would say that as its there job to play that game for 6 to…
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