Are there better adventage than communication in game?
According to EULA that should be illegal, but you know developer earn more from fanbase, so they want hold majority. We also saw that from last update they accepted Soloq needs buff.
Easy, make it part of game, if you play with friends you can use oblgatory that perk you can speak with friends , but ofc if you speak with them killer get a information.... isnt it much better ?
Who told about ban? and if its not give adventage why people use it?
Answer me 3rd party programs are allowed as developers say????
So if you look this wayi we are customer right? would you accept defected stuffs?
i dont think this is my businness!! if you want proper advices you can pay me, am i wrong?
As i heard at Dark souls such system for example, i am not software engineer but if they want it there are plenty of ways
There are plenty of ways about it, but devs dont sadly dont listen, i guess they have fear of a lose player base, so even we say add communication in game, they also reject cause of unfair adventage, but that easier way, you can do anything as long as you play..
There no comms in game mechanics? if 3nd party programs allowed for play, why not i use wallhack? i prefer see killer/survivor than hear it from others thats same?
According the wikipedia "Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software." Who say its not cheat? The company who earn cash from it or who uses it ... i can say many many many many times…
According the wikipedia "Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software." Who say its not cheat? The company who earn cash from it or who uses it ... i can say many many many many times…
Guess, discord is cheat for this game and isnt it allowed?
Dont feel so but developers care customer happiness, if majority likes play with cheat and few not, community will support the crowd one, you know sometimes, who pays more are right.
Dont worry, bhvr repeatly told that cheats are allowed.
Oh yea then we must install external softwares and solve the problem...
Sorry dont take it personal, i mean who use this but, No doubt they can play game without comms and enjoy, you dont need any 3nd party softwares :) moreover you dont must play this game for enjoy talking with friends also :D
Why do you need Comms then ?
Ah sir when i tell similar things, bunch players blaming me. Affrights of losing hughe adventage on gameplay, that remind me some MMORPG games which let bots allow for hold their playerbase :/
its possible for example; by adding voice communication in game and there should be an option like " playing with swf" On-Off . but developers dont want it too because they must change whole of balance in game , so new system are also good but however swf still need discord ( ofcourse for chating with friends nothing more )
Fanboy mocking because has nothing more to say, who said that to you ?
Fanboys are reading what they want only, i never told developers said its illegal, they just dont want lose huge of playerbase, but does ist change anything? if its ok why they dont add it as "PART OF GAME" so you accept there were unbalance between swf and solo as you say we can see what others do right? just few weeks…
You know developers care their cash, and ask yourself why developers need to say it repeatdly..... ofcourse they would play three monkeys, so i ask why they dont bring voice cheat inside game, i ask that ?
No, and i even know fellow fanboys gonna demonize me becuase i tell this but isnt it cheat? That even isnt part of game. You don't need third party programs to play a game, so, it's, obviously, being used to gain the advantage, rather than to talk to your friends., i hope you got what i mean
Thats what i ask about, but people get me wrong, i meant cheat or etc , just softwares or adjustment, i am personaly dont use anything!! but curious what is the limit? for example if a program is acceptable by EAC but however gives the player adventage shall it be okay for developers?
but people are not banning and asked support and checked forum and they said its legal
Behaviour look for cash and its cheaper to play 3 Monkeys, so i guess no, but you can for tell it to loud.
True, devs look their salary from game gameplay fairplay isnt important :) so no sense for play this game anymore i think :D
look at things you compared omg :/ i am sad for you
I know and i am not gonna try to win anything ( this discussion i wont change anything here) , just as i thought game gonna die and developer trying to hold remainder in game , thats why continually changing gameplay mechanics ( like solo survivor nearly unplayable now ) what will happen next time, kind of cheat and hacks…
But EULA says different, so please answer me sir; does it gives unfair adventage to swf or not ?
Direct copy from EULA; Use or distribute “auto” software programs, “macro” software programs or other “cheat utility” software program or applications. Facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Game, including without limitation and (b) any connection using programs or tools not expressly approved…
who told ban?
That wasnt the answer what i asked, doesnt discord giving adventage? and are there something difference than any kind WH or etc ?