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  • It's not really encouraging anything killers aren't already doing. But besides that it depends, if you rat with Distortion yeah it's a bad perk but if you're other 3 slots are devoted to gen perks it can actually be pretty effective. The other 3 survivors take chase while the Distortion player cranks gens.…
  • Meh it could be annoying but it's not like Agitation isn't already commonly run with Pain Res.
  • We get a new Skull Merchant thread almost every day what are you saying lol. Also Skull Merchant doesn't have anything to do with Chucky or how brain dead old scamper was so I'm not sure what point your making.
  • It's not entirely zero you can slightly manipulate it with add-ons and perks that create loud noise notifications the Zombies do react to. But also who cares? Why does everything have to be skill based? Why can't we just have something because it's fun? Remember fun? The reason people played video games to begin with? I…
  • Or maybe because having more zombies to create more of a feel of being in a zombie apocalypse during a trial would be fun and more like RE? Not everything is for cynical reasons.
  • I don't think Wizards would want BHVR to release the DnD chapter to promote a different franchise nor do we have any indication we will get any more Stranger Things cosmetics in the future, I obviously don't know the contents of the new licensing agreement but I wouldn't be surprised if it was making them available for…
  • It's not cheating you just have a high quality headset, the idea that anyone would call this cheating is absurd to me. Not everyone is going to get this reference but it's like saying the New York Yankees cheat because they spend more on payroll than any other club to get the best results possible. If BHVR didn't want…
  • This is why I don't understand the calls for a casual and competitive mode. Anyone that thinks people wouldn't tunnel or do gens as efficiently as possible in a casual mode is deluding themselves. People don't wanna lose period so they'll do whatever it takes to prevent that it doesn't matter what label you put on the mode.
  • The interesting thing about ghost face is that he's like spirit but for the survivors if you play without headphones I supposed that makes him stronger but with good headphones the flapping noises his costume makes is as bad as dredge's squelching noises making his "stealth" terrible. The problem then becomes his back up…
  • So I'm not worried at all about Still Sight for solos like you have to stay completely still to keep the effect so the perk really isn't going to do terribly much, like cool you can see the killer when you're hiding, so what? For solos wiretap is miles better than this perk. However I am concerned about someone slapping…
  • I could see this being true especially with blight's add-ons getting toned down however that in no way means Blight needs a buff he's still the 3rd best killer in the game, it's not like Blight players are struggling at all.
  • Ghost Face gets way overrated in my opinion, I think he's one of the worst killers. He's good on 3 maybe 4 maps and nearly doesn't have a power against aware survivors on any other map.
  • He feels not great on controller I got to say. Perhaps it just takes practice but using the spell wheel in chase is very clunky but I was watching Scott play and he was navigating it very quickly so it feels like Vecna might legitimately play far better on M+K than controller.
  • I think it's boring AF personally and I think the only times I've ever done it is for adept achievements. Otherwise the vast majority of the time I find hatch first anyway and win cuz door spawns usually favor killer. I truly do not understand why people do not value their time more and go for more games instead of a…
  • It feels like it's meant to pair with bamboozle but unless you're playing Xeno or Myers I don't think it's worth it.
  • I would definitely be on board with keeping the model but replacing the current animations with the female animations but I don't know how hard that would be. I wouldn't expect that to be ready for release but something to aim to happen for the midchapter or maybe a hotfix in between.
  • From the ones I've tested, Pain Res: Still the best killer perk Grim Embrace: Not really a noticeable change which considering it's only a 6 second change total makes sense. Seems fine. Weaving Spooders: It's alright, I probably wouldn't use it unless we were already at 1-2 gens left otherwise the risk is still too great…
  • It was jarring at first but considering she's an elf I actually the idea of using the male model to make her the tallest female survivor.
  • Yeah was thinking with invocations being introduced a warlock would make sense which going by what's common in DnD they'll be a tiefling.... who's bi.
  • WotC sucks like for all the ish I give BHVR they're not openly malicious like WotC is sending hired thugs to people's houses over leaks. If we had to get a WotC license Magic would have been more hype getting Elesh Norn or something. It's hard to be excited with all the rampant bugs and cheaters lately and the chance to…
  • You know what's good for knowing if you can heal under the hook or not? I'm gonna say one word and then I'm gonna run away. Wicked. runs away
  • I'd say 150% is probably fair maybe 125% to be safe but it is a hex perk that can be cleansed so it should be on the strong side.
  • Alert/Troubleshooter/Urban Evasion - None of these are meta and UE is on the borderline of being a killer perk. Distortion - I really really don't wanna have the distortion discussion in this thread because that will turn into it's own monster so the only thing I'll say it's a perk that has a chance to do nothing if the…
  • Sprint Burst is a weird one cuz you have a little less control over it and you can actually be bad at using it if you just walk everywhere so it doesn't really compare to Pop or Pain Res which you can't really use wrong. But sure we'll go with Lithe but here's the thing where Lithe deviates for Pop/Pain Res. You're not…
  • Can we pretend there was some time cost to pop? YOU LITERALLY GET IT JUST BY PLAYING THE GAME. Stop pretending like putting survivors on hooks and checking gens wasn't what y'all weren't already doing. Pop and Pain res were both guilty of this and while I don't think they're bad designs because having killers go on side…
  • Honestly the next invocation doesn't even have to be broken it just has to be decent and that perk with WS will be worth it. I'm fairly confident before Anni 9 we will see an invocation meta.
  • Honestly more meme luck based powers/perks would probably feel more fair than what we have now.
  • This feels like one of those patches that doesn't make a ton of sense now but will in a couple months when we get other changes.
  • What "genrush" perks are we talking about? Prove? Resilience? Neither of those are super crazy.
  • Absolutely needed to happen and to be fair you can still do the combo it's just MfT/WGLF instead which is a much more healthy version. I don't think new buckle up is terrible just niche it could maybe fit in with DS/Unbreakable.
  • Idk where people are getting 3 second DS was meta from I very rarely encountered it.
  • "Bully" squads were much more common back then and while obnoxious to deal with it meant survivors focused on gens much less and with trying to screw with the killer more. Also Ruin/Undying was also the meta and forcing survivors to find two totems could sometimes buy you a considerable amount of time.
  • I'll wait for the ptb to say anything although it seems highly probable to me we may be getting another AI power which historically hasn't been very good.
  • I think it's actually a good thing to stop power creep from happening. I do kinda wish different types of perks got buffed but it is what it is considering perks just get better because the context of the game changes. I mean we may be entering a meta where Territorial Imperative of all perks might actually be decent which…
  • I would imagine most people are going to slap on Grim or DMS in place of Pop and call it a day tbh. Pain is still efficient enough to be run. Ruin might creep back into the meta but probably not.
  • Territorial Imperative will finally be meta lmao. In all seriousness it's a fine perk now but not amazing, you don't need 7 BNP you only need 5 so I wouldn't include the extra two in the math it's 60 seconds for 45 seconds worth of progress which is good for sure but I wouldn't call it meta just yet considering the price…
  • The survivor better be an elf.
  • Chucky- Good, 12 seconds sounds like a good medium between having your power often enough and missing still being punishing Bubba-This is good to bring him up to modern DBD power level Slinger-Seems fine Mastermind-Fantastic change, the virus only going to 50% on hook made it very oppressive if they wanted to tunnel.…
  • Making the skin as loud as Huntress normally is isn't a nerf lol. You're paying for a skin and a mori not unintended in game advantages.
  • I wouldn't say I'm tired of DBD I'm more tired of buggy patch after buggy patch with cheaters and ddosers and BHVR making no visible efforts to improve and preferring to blow us off at best and gaslight us about the situation at worse. So I guess I would say I still love DBD but I'm getting tired of BHVR.
  • Meh I get it's a lot to work on but I honestly believe people are giving BHVR too much leeway here. This is a company that released a killer 5 years ago and only just now fixed a "bug" that existed since release. That took years to balance a huntress add on which was about as complicated as limiting the number of hatchets…
  • Pretty good job so far.
  • Probably everyone short of trapper, ghost face and myers. I don't think you have to run full meta although it obviously helps.
  • Old Undying was fine and totems being relevant made the game more interesting. Basement isn't that dangerous. Opening chests isn't that bad and can be situationally worth it. Killer is strong enough that gens can go back to 80 seconds.
  • I switch up a lot but tend to stick to the same few killers Xenomorph because it feels great to be able to get around the map so easily with the tunnels. Skull Merchant because tracking down survivors with the radar is nice and I know she doesn't have voice lines but I still think she has good voice acting. Huntress…
  • Not dying, I think the last patch soured a lot of people though. I know I don't plan on coming back until Anni. In the the long term it depends on the devs really focusing on balance. They hired a bunch of artists to pump out more cosmetics and that's a good thing but now they need to do the same thing for the balance team…
  • That amount of "bugs" that get left alone for years and years is truly astonishing. Trying to think if this or blast mine is funnier.
  • Pros -Best built in info power -top 5 antiloop power Cons -very low PoV that makes playing on maps with tall grass annoying -turret management mechanic you can't ignore
  • gets hooked in a dead zone, gets unhooked and gets tunneled out. "Clearly you should have looped better and it may have seemed that this tunneling was unfair but it was obviously just a learning experience." Taking chases makes survivors better, tunneling is just annoying.
  • yes rampant cheating and more glitches than ever before is breathless complaining. I guess all the content creators quitting the game are just complaining too nothing to see here. This is inexcusable for a nearly decade old monetized game.