This always reminds me of those "discussions" where (usually) white people, try to argue that the N-Word is not Racist. Look, you might not think it is, but you also aren't the person who has centuries of painful history to be reminded of. Do you argue with women whether or not randomly yelling "Hey Sexy!" (or many worse…
As someone who has played mostly killer for the ~600 hours that I have played: I hate these kinds of tactics. As said, they are incredibly boring. This is why I don't use them, but I'm not going to lie, after getting taunted an entire game, being forced to mute my game cause of clicks and notifications and not being able…
I had already written a post about sound-sensitivity today, before I saw this one. I feel like there is a pretty big overlap and I hope they can address both of those things. I'm carefully optimistic seeing that they are currently working on the "wiggle-checks", but I'd love to know if anything is planned here. But to add…