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  • @mcNuggets While this game isn't perfect, I think it's doing good for itself. While the game gives killers a kill for camping, they lose time. So the game both encourages it and discourages it at the same time so now that I think about it hook camping has a balanced trade-off. Thanks for the contribution!
  • @Zanfer I agree, but it hurts when you lose bloodpoints and the ability to pip. I realize my mistakes and want to learn to deal with it. After reading the comments and threads, I think I can. I'm sorry if I made it feel as if I'm trying to tell people how to play, I just want to try and get to higher ranks. I know now that…
  • @Dragonredking Thanks! I've never really been admired that much in the internet, but it feels great to get a compliment and I find it very noble to apologize, it's difficult to find that type of kindness on the internet. I honestly have the same viewpoint about the report system, I never hear about anything when a friend,…
  • @SadonicShadow Thanks fam. Much love to you. I will admit I was a little salty last night, but now that I understand it more I will learn to love the game a little more. I hope you have a good day too. :)
  • @Dragonredking Lol, I haven't reported anyone for this I don't think, but yeah I can get why you're mad and why that would lead to devs ignoring the reports. Thanks for the answer!
  • @Runiver I do make a lot of mistakes in this game, but I don't understand why it is wrong to tell other "teammates" about wasting their time trying to get me. I think of them as teammates because it feels as if you're a team and to succeed you must try to get out together, not to mention the benevolence points. But after…
  • @Lowbei OOF. I guess u right, but it still hurts my little survivor soul haha. ;(
  • @SadonicShadow Yeah, I guess if the devs did implement it so you can and they even announce that it's okay, I don't have a way to fight it besides hanging on as long as I possibly can. I get it, reports suck to waste others time and your own and even potentially get a killer in trouble for doing something that the devs…
  • @Master Alright yeah I think that's fair I would camp too tbh. Thanks for the answer! :D
  • @fcc2014 U right. U right. Giving the most time may be a very helpful strategy to others and to down many other than one may be worth a reward, but I do think it sucks when you de-pip for getting camped. I like the advice to make it feel less rewarding for killers to camp. Thanks for the answer :)
  • @EpicFailTryHard I agree, but if I play solos it's almost guaranteed only one person would come for the save haha. It really is dependent on how coordinated all the survivors are, but without an swf it does get difficult. Thanks for the input though, I appreciate it.
  • @White_Owl I wish I knew that lol I thought people just did it for fun, but now that I know I hope to put it into more use in game. Thanks my dude
  • @RemoveSWF Lol, I haven't reported anyone for it, yet (Kappa). I see you're point of view on the strat, but it does make it feel pretty boring sitting on hook while all you see is people doing gens and killer watching you closely. But I do appreciate your input at least and giving survivors a free hook while not finding…
  • @MandyTalk Borrowed is a great perk! I would love to use it but leveling up Bill is a pain, im working on it though. And I think you're right about the fact that if the survivors just get gens done killer will gain nothing. Thanks for helping me understand a little more.
  • @Tsulan I honestly agree, but it does suck when survivors waste their time trying to save when they can't. But I definitely understand and agree with the killer side's point of view of trying to get a kill while their time may waste away. Thanks for the answer!
  • @weirdkid5 Thanks for the answer, I found it straightforward and informative, lol I guess I'll just have to hope everyone gets gens done and the killer tries for a different strategy.