Did 4.6.0 change matchmaking again? Matches have been absolutely trash since the update. Killers are either toxic POS's or total potato's, but usually the former.
They don't make money off fixing bugs, they make it off new content. The tide is beginning to turn because more people in the community feel less like paying customers and more like future revenue sources in the eyes of BHVR. I'm in the same boat as you, I've stopped playing either til they revert or update the hitbox…
There's a few polls on the forum you can read which will give you first hand reasoning behind many high rank survivors either taking a break, or straight up uninstalling the game and throwing in the towel since the latest "update". Many upvoted comments here have covered the issues, but you can find more info on those…
The onlyyy thing I would change is how the penalty applies to all in the party (at least on PS4), I shouldn't be penalized if a friend looses connection or has a hissy fit, we're not married.
I don't have a choice, I'm taking a break I guess. It's unplayable.
I'm upset because the current event is my favorite event of the year, and I can't participate. I don't care as much about the HUD or the moonwalk or any of that, I can adjust my eyes and my strats for those. What I can't adjust for is the hitbox/desync issue that has made this game unplayable from a survivor POV. I was…