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  • Nah, I'm giving myself something to do because the killer could have ended my game A LONG time ago. It was the killers decision to keep me from going next match. This way I get a little bit more points for staying in match longer. I get something out of it since the killer clearly doesn't want me to be in next match…
  • Wait, so you're saying that it's harder to get a 4k when the other side.......plays the game? Who would've thunk. Let me dc for free after being slugged for so long and maybe we have a deal. My bot will get to have the fun of laying on the ground for 4 minutes and I get to actually play the game!
  • Wait, so you're saying that it's harder to get a 4k when the other side.......plays the game? Who would've thunk. Let me dc for free after being slugged for so long and maybe we have a deal. My bot will get to have the fun of laying on the ground for 4 minutes and I get to actually play the game!
  • At all? That's funny because I've seen many killers get 4ks without slugging. As soon as the killer sees the second to last survivor, I should be able to self kill on the ground unless the killer is just so bad in chase already
  • At all? That's funny because I've seen many killers get 4ks without slugging. As soon as the killer sees the second to last survivor, I should be able to self kill on the ground unless the killer is just so bad in chase already
  • Almost as if there is a penalty for doing so, hmmmmmmmm
  • Give me an option to self kill myself and the killer can get their precious 4k while I get to be in the next match getting more points and having fun. Anything where after 90 seconds or something I can just die since the killers family will die if they don't get the 4k. I just love being on the ground for 4 minutes because…
  • I think the same way that I do about slugging for the 4k as I do about survivors teabagging the exit gate when they already won. The survivors are denying the killer the ability to go to the next match just like how the killer denies the slugged survivor the same. My opinion is that if you're gonna deny me the option to be…
  • Dude, just admit you love holding survivors hostage so you can call your parents and tell them your apparent killer accomplishments. Congrats, if you haven't heard from them yet. Good job! Please slug more, and BM why don't you. I'm done with a conversation with a brick wall. Hope you get bled out if you play survivor and…
  • First of all, I never stop trying to do generators so miss me with that scenario. Also, the killer is supposed down me and then hook me, so the other survivors not at fault here. The killer is called the power role for a reason. I feel the same way about slugging for the 4k that I feel about survivors teabagging at the…
  • Please don't act all high and mighty. I'm fine getting killed and not escaping. What I don't like is laying on the ground when I could have been in the next match getting more points and having fun. But here I am, slugged for the killers ego. That's my problem. Its annoying
  • I hope every survivor you slug always gets hatch and that every match is a 4 out. This is insane. In a non competitive mode that's supposed to be fun, still survivors can't escape killers that need "8ks" as if their whole family will die if they don't.
  • Add an option for me to self kill myself and the killer can get points faster. Problem solved. I get to leave a miserable round and they get their precious 4k. Win-win
  • I'm only on the ground because the killer wants me to be. That's the funny part. If they gave me an option to bleed out faster, I'd be so happy.
  • I'm only on the ground because the killer wants me to be. That's the funny part.
  • 'm But not the killer who's desperate for a 4k. Ok buddy. Sorry I wanna get a few extra points since I'm denied the option to already be in another match getting even more. Survs get points from being alive longer.
  • Me too, like please
  • Took this a little personal I see. Sorry I wanna get a few more points to stay in match longer because the killer didn't want to go ahead and kill me so I could already be in another match.
  • He should have never been added, so it's not enough 😂
  • Obviously it's easy to juke when the knights not around, duh. But now normal Knight places guard and leaves, you got two people to loop now. Don't act as if he doesn't get a free hit out of it most of the time. That's why I hate him. Hold w until he gets a free hit, otherwise you're sandwiched.
  • Yeah, I really like using it more when someone is actively in chase so they last longer. But I get it because it's definitely hit or miss. When it works, it works, but is bad when no one uses the info.
  • Clown - Lose-Lose situations across the board. You drop pallet, hell just bottle you and bloodlust. You run? He bottles you and catches up. Alien - Turrets that don't work half the time, tail attack that you can barely react to so it creates situations where you run to window to either get hit with tail or get baited to…
  • Idk, how long have you been playing? I used to hate tunneling when I first started, but now accept it when it happens. I actually find that killers are far more likely to not tunnel in my matches. And since I've gotten much better at looping and my solo queue teammates get better, tunneling is actually already detrimental,…
  • This is why I'm glad console doesn't have endgame chat.
  • Id love that. Both killer and surv would get basekits that help the flow of the game. Could make more interesting builds for killer as well since they wouldn't have to run it.
  • This sums up Everything. Couldn't have said it better, she gets all the benefits of other killers and no downsides along with braindead "skill" expression.