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  • What I don't understand is where was the gen speed complaint 2 years ago? It's been more or less the same since I started playing and I only started hearing complaints about when EGC was added. As mentioned before recent patches have been trades. A perk that could possibly make one map slightly harder for killers to down a…
  • The reason the hatch spawns for the last survivor is not because they did nothing all match, it's because their team did nothing all match. Too many times I've been working on my gen, getting saves, outrunning and outlasting, only to be the last one with 4 gens left because my team was that bad. If you don't like it close…
  • There's an inherent reason that a 3 man slug in the first minute or so rewards no pips. It's in the lore. Be a selfish killer and kill for your own sake and the Entity isn't fed. Give the survivors hope and then take it away from them, and the Entity becomes pleased. This also allows everyone to have fun, unlike in this…
  • What's demanding? Solo survivor is demanding. If you have good spawns, you won't know who the killer is so your first minute or two is just trying to figure out if Ghostface is about to expose you or if Trapper is across the map. You can't discount anything in that first minute until you make contact with the killer. If…
  • You'll know when the game dies because the devs will literally disappear. Considering that they are still actively developing there's plenty of time. Eventually we'll get to a point where there's nothing to add and nothing or more or less nothing to fix, and at that point the devs will just change the meta. If you don't…
  • Kindred is not a noob perk especially since its buff. The difference between spine Chill and kindred is that kindred helps your fellow survivors in a solo situation (like prove thyself or leader) while spine Chill usually only tells you something you already know. In certain situations it's useful but an experienced…
  • Imo Spine Chill is a beginner perk like Bond, Self Care,, and Windows of Opportunity. They are useful but when you know the information they give without using the perks their effectiveness drops.
  • A popular take on NOED is that it rewards failure in many cases. It activates once the killer has failed to stop generators from being done. Are killers still loopable with NOED? Yes, but they are running on bloodlust from the beginning and with the inconsistency of hotboxes (hit through pallets, etc) there's a potential…
  • I swear some killer mains are actually psychotic. There's a time and a place for mercy. One of those times is after DCs. Another reason to show some mercy is because the entity wants you to play with your food. If you're a god nurse and slug everyone in the first minute of the game, the entity will be displeased even if…
  • I don't get it. Exit gates spawn within sight of each other now, and you're saying that they should take more time? The killer and survivors should be racing to the gate as soon as the last gen pops. That 20 seconds can decide the fate of the game. If it was 30 or 40 seconds the killer would have to be on the other side of…
  • Low ranks is the only place ruin works effectively. The perk becomes useless or relatively useless when you rank up. No need for any adjustments. It's a skill based perk and teaches people how to work through it.
  • You know there's a few different reasons you wouldn't see someone with BBQ. First would be locker play which a decent survivor would do. Second would be the limitation of BBQ where someone may be working on a gen in the radius. Third, Distortion and Sole Survivor are things. Besides, camping is way more of a problem than…
  • I don't think I've ever had a satisfying loss as a killer (besides farming which I suppose doesn't count). If I don't get kills it's frustrating because usually it's due to one or two cheeky survivors who know how to run me and keep my attention even when I break off. As for survivors, I feel a satisfying loss is one where…
  • Alright so if slugging is a strategy and dc-ing isn't because it isn't within the game then why was something like rock climbing something that needed to be fixed? There's a lot of things in the game that were considered "exploits" that were fixed, slugging could be next.
  • To be fair disconnecting, either by hitting escape or by pulling your WiFi cord, is a game mechanic. If the devs didn't want us to do it they wouldn't give us the option. And yes these argument look strikingly similar to the slug arguments. Point is, neither is fun. The better way to play killer to maximize your pipping is…
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