Wasnt her body made of one the people that work for them? I could be wrong
I wish they would put it in. You are the most level headed peraon I have found on the forums I hace seen quite a bit of your replys and I agree with like all of them
Yeah I never use it and when I do I try to wait until after 2nd hook or it just feels like the game goes so fast its not fun
Just a thought
What about ebony kill first survivor after one hook 2nd 3rd after 2 hooks and the third after downed if no other survivors
Yeah ######### chris lol
That's a great idea and What about at the start of every rank reset they. Can do that they can have like 10 placement matches that go off of your skill in the 10 games that you have played then from there you can rank up or down
See I don't get that I'm killer main and I love playing against swf I like the challenge and it helps me improve
Yeah I agree with you I would like to see a casual mode and a competitive mode though i think that would be fun. Especially for the try hards
Ya your right about that that did suck trying to brake in a new killer and just get destroyed by a swf
I hope your right because I just played 3 games as. Pyramid Head I just bought him and in all three games I face level 17 to 20s and I just felt bad I ended up leting two of them live Each time and with the experience gap it just wasn't fun and I want to play more of him I was just worried it be a continuous thing until I…
I agree it's a casual game but the devs should put a casual mode and a competitive mode that way you don't get as many try-hards in casual and if you really want to be competitive then you have a mode just for you I don't understand why they don't have it I mean am I wrong here?