swf is okay, and yes, i do a four man swf or just three whenever i can. i generally stay near a rank 5-2, more oftenly found at rank 3 or 4 and my friends are usually rank 8 or 10, yet have a skillset like mine, very good but still really (oof) bad at the game. i think rank ones should play with up to rank 5, and rank 5 to…
okay im not that good of a killer, and those kind of matches only happen once in a while lmao. but yeah, gloating and butt dancing is just overrated, and you really shouldn't do it. honestly, im more of a survivor main and its great with a swf team- i usually only have me and a friend- i always point and butt dance on my…
alright, let's say im playing a match. killer comes towards the generator im on. okay, no big deal, i can just walk / crouch away, even better with urban evasion. killer kicks the gen, and searches around for me. finds me, okay, no big deal again, right? then let's say im chased, and in no such luck because "wait, i can't…