The problem with eliminating looping is that it seriously affects the meta of the game. If you're going to eliminate looping then you can also get rid of whispers, BBQ and Chili, strider, and any other perk that gives away a survivors location. Steath doesn't work if you have perks that show you where they are. Better yet,…
I'm rank 6-8 typically. Ever since the double bloodpoint event started I've been tunneled every game. Not just got pulled from the hook in a dangerous way. More like a killer proxy camping a hook and ignoring everyone else and still coming after me.
My biggest issue with the lag, is that it makes me not want to play the game. That or I feel like I'm getting cheated due to the hit detection being off for my character. My ps4 friends have run into pallets not being thrown or have zero effect. Not getting hits as killers, getting pallet stunned a few feet past the…
The developers made it clear in the last live stream that they have no intention of bringing bots to the consoles and pc.
I see several arguments about how it would make the game pay to win. The problem with this argument is that some of the darkest outfits, the best to hide with, are already ones you need to buy. Most cost about 90 auric cells. But many you need to piece together and are nowhere near as cheap. I too would like more variety…
Yeah. Not only did this happen to me several times with several killers, I actually thought it was a cheat or something. The first time it happened it was with the same survivor multiple times. Where as other survivors it was a non issue. I was playing on ps4. Killers used, Freddy and Doctor. Several maps. Multiple…
If they could not make him too op, Nemesis from Resident Evil could be cool. Dracula/Vampire, Werewolf, the Mummy could all be cool. I think a Werewolf would be the coolest. Tgere is so much you could do with him. He could howl when in wolf form or at the start of the match. He could have a tracking ability based on smell…
Although, Frank opens the box he only brings people to the box to try and control it. Pinhead on the other hand relishes in killing and torturing people. His hook chains could be traps, hold people like Pyramid head's cages. I feel like the cenobites are much better killers. Pinhead obviously the leader of the Cenobites.
I Thought this as well, but the biggest problem with the alien is mobility. The Alien is known for being able to climb any surface and jump massive hight or distance. How would you attack? Claws, tail, face hugger? What perks would you have? How would those perks affect the rest of the game? I used to think the Alien would…
For me when the game is good, it's great. But when the game is bad, it's awful. Now let me explain myself before I get destroyed by comments. I don't mind losing to someone who is my skill level and out played me. Better at looping, mind games, gens/kills ect. When matchmaking is good or fair to all, wait times are 5-10…
Camping happens often between ranks 20-13 ish. Newer players are often trying to get confirmed kills. When I first started playing as killer I too would camp. Especially, if I was getting destroyed by the survivors. That person on the hook might be the only person I hooked. Tunneling happens with every rank I've played…
You can't just give that to killers only. As a survivor I would want to know if I'm going up against a vastly over powered killer. I play both killer and survivor. If I can see someone's level with one, I'd want to see the levels of all.