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  • Really can't believe we started this thread in June 2023 (after experiencing issues from March 2023 onward) and this still isn't resolved. Getting kicked game after game. I thought we had a coordinator at one point? I see mods are closing other threads with this problem claiming it's a technical issue, which is very…
  • I took a week off from the game to reset my DC penalty, logged back in today and promptly disconnected for 3/4 matches. Right back to a 15 minute ban. Here's my logs I guess, again.
  • Took a week off to reset my DC penalty and my first match back today it happened again. :') I love that for us.
  • Thank you, Jocelyn! This has happened to me again twice today (PC - Steam, during a health state validation). I don't have a screenshot of the error message, but it's the same "Dedicated Server is not responding; disconnecting" error that others have mentioned and grabbed. I have attached the log.
  • The servers themselves have been outright crashing all day and I just had one where I personally DCed again with penalty, so no, it is not fixed. :(
  • The way that there are CLEAR waves of this happening (i.e. this thread and the other one being revived all at once with a chorus of people saying "This is happening to me!") and BHVR is having their mods decline new threads on the grounds of "it's a technical issue". It's just appalling, honestly. I cannot stress enough…
  • Very disheartening to say that this is still happening to me as well with associated DC penalties. It has driven me away from the game and it sucks to feel like I'd still like to play only to get forced out of matches and hit with a penalty so I can't play at all. Do better, BHVR.
  • This has only encouraged more people to play her, and to play her to this same effect. My squad and I went against a skull merchant the same day that Team Eternal did, after their game, and were in the match for 60 minutes until the servers kicked us out. It was miserable and grueling, and I'll be honest-- this killer…
  • Just for transparency, I was in the UK for a while and haven't been playing. Back in the US now and I just got hit with a 30 minute ban because I've DCed like 6 times in the last 24 hours :') It's not fixed.
  • YES I saw this too. I'm running Self-Aware on survivor and literally thought the killer must be running Predator because of how intense the scratch marks were. For reference: PC (Steam) I'm playing Gabriel, running Self-Aware + Made For This + Resilience + Repressed Alliance I first noticed it today after the update while…
  • Actually it is a dupe -- this issue has been acknowledged by the dev team (see the thread "Forcefully Kicked From Match" by Chesnoodle. It's been an ongoing problem for a few months, unforunately. We are only just now getting acknowledged by the devs, but hopefully this means a fix is in the works.…
  • It just happened again, for another 15 minute ban. The match had just started, I touched a gen, and immediately disconnected.
  • I just disconnected twice in a row and now have a 15 minute ban again. I'd love if we could turn off the DC penalty since this problem has been officially acknowledged by the team. To add insult to injury, this was my view when I DCed the first time. Literally bumping up against the exit and as it tried to validate me…
  • I could literally cry <3 Thank you for everyone who has put so much effort into bringing this problem to the forefront.
  • You aren't alone! Downdetector indicates there's an issue with Steam servers as of about an hour ago. I'm having the same issue, and hopefully they'll have it resolved soon.
  • Happy first day of anniversary: it's a 30 minute ban. This event is such a disaster between the community and this baloney.
  • Agreed, we are in the WRONG servers for some reason. My ping is always at 40ms or less and I'm getting 140+ most games, along with the rest of the people in my lobby. What gives?
  • Camping and tunneling every single match. Currently getting humped on the ground as the last survivor by a p100 sadako. Happy anniversary y'all.
  • It's so unfortunate that every single year the anniversary brings out the absolute worst in people. It's the same thing every year— killers especially get ultra sweaty and camp/tunnel/bm in every match. I mean, it's always like that, but with events it's every match, you know?
  • Just happened to me again in the EGC, on RPD against The Singularity. No cause that I could see. Gates were open, I was waiting to guide my friend out the exit and I disconnected. I'm going to try to attach the log file below, but it won't open on my computer, so no promises!
  • Little victories, folks: this topic is now “under review” ✨
  • Received yet another "Dedicated server is not responding disconnecting" today (and last night) after my teammate healed me. 15 minute penalty so far. I have emailed support yet again to express my disappointment and frustration with the lack of transparency and acknowledgment from their team.
  • Up to a 10 minute ban because of this. Dedicated server not responding. Will it ever end?
  • Confirmed, I had a hag use this on me and my squad earlier today
  • Surprising absolutely no-one, I am having this same bug, and have been having it for months without any assistance from BHVR. :) Just happened to me against a Ghostface on Dead Dawg when I tried to Any Means a pallet. As soon as I interacted with the pallet, I DCed.
  • Happened to me going against a laggy pig on Garden of Joy yesterday. Piggie phased right through (and she knew she could do it). Once I was downed, I could also phase through the pallet by crawling through it over and over with a slight jitter.
  • UPDATE: With the new update, I am also getting "Disconnected: Dedicated server is not responding" + the disconnection penalty
  • There is a purple add-on for maps called the crystal bead that allows everyone to see what's on your map when you use it. I find it really distracting when people run this add-on because my ADHD just can't :'D
  • I'm so sorry this happened to you! For the record, my friend in my 4-stack just experienced the exact same bug in the match we just finished.
  • Samesies but I'm on Steam. ;_; It was so stinkin' hard, too.
  • @jesterkind That makes so much sense! I guess I was considering how with Dredge, it was very obvious on launch that they implemented anti-camping measures. That makes sense!
  • Many, many people are having this problem. It is still unacknowledged by BHVR, and we are actively being ignored. Please consider adding your voice to the thread "Forcefully Kicked From Match" by Chesnoodle. Thank you!
  • There's another gigantic thread in the bug forum (still unacknowledged by BHVR) called "Forcefully Kicked From Match" by Chesnoodle. I'd love if you added your support/voice there! We are actively being ignored by BHVR.
  • Still absolutely continuing to trash my games. I'm up to 15 minutes again after taking a long time off to try and reset. Tell me how I can play Diablo 4 for 8 hours straight with no connection issues on their garbage servers (sorry, Blizzard, you know it's true), but as soon as I log into DBD I get kicked multiple times?…
  • I just wanted to share the following: I created a new Steam account, turned on family-sharing, and played on a new account for a few days. The first day I didn't experience any issues, but the second day, I started disconnecting regularly again. So, sadly, a new account does not fix the issue. I spoke with BHVR support…
  • If it's true that it only affects certain accounts, that is absolutely wild. I would be devastated to lose progress and money -- I have 100% achievements, 5k+ hours, I achieved p3 prior to the prestige rework on every survivor... Yikes.
  • I submitted another support ticket today with the following message. Hi, sorry for the all-caps. Please, please do not give me a form response. I know y'all are busy, but I desperately need to know that you are taking this seriously. I'm sure you're aware, but there is a thread in the bug reporting forum that has upwards…
  • Likewise! I disabled it last night and did not have any disconnects. I will also edit this post if that changes. Absolutely worth a shot! EDIT: That didn't last long. I was disconnected from host and have another 30 minute penalty after trying to vault during the EGC.
  • There is another thread in the Bug Reporting forum called "Forcefully Kicked From Match" by Chesnoodle, which has 90+ responses from those of us having the same trouble. I'd encourage you to add your voice there! No official acknowledgment from BHVR and we've been going around the merry go round with support for months.
  • After a string of "Disconnected from Host" errors yesterday I'm up to a 30 minute ban again. Acknowledgment would be sincerely appreciated. We're going on months of this problem, we're leading up to the anniversary event, and I am scared to dare to play even a single match (this was my first match of the day).
  • So I'm hearing they CAN tell the difference between a disconnect, a server issue, and a timeout? :p
  • It's having a rough go of it today. Just DCed from my 3rd match tonight after a health state validation. It's getting old.
  • Here to say that although this issue has gotten a bit better for me, I'm still getting a "Disconnection from Host" error at least once per day. I have staggered my playing so that my penalty is only at 5-10 minutes right now, but that is still frankly unacceptable and still no acknowledgment from BHVR.
  • Omg, thanks Mandy! I missed that!
  • I wouldn't say every time, but it does happen very frequently with killers in the endgame chat confirming they specifically targeted me for being p100. Or like, they'll just come straight in with the "Okay P100 I guess you should just *Play better*" after they catch me/face camp me/tunnel me out.
  • There is an ongoing thread about this issue with about 70 comments under "Forcefully Kicked from Match" by chesnoodle.
  • This unfortunately is not the fix— as part of my troubleshooting last week I tried the game on Epic and was still met with a Disconnect from Host error playing my first match. That said, I haven’t had any disconnections for the last 1.5 days! I agree it would be nice to get public acknowledgment of a fix/efforts made, but…
  • Thank you so much for sharing this! It IS encouraging that they've taken a little bit of ownership for the issue. If they're saying it's an Internet Exchange Point issue, I wonder if we can find any commonality in our locations that might help them pinpoint which players might be being affected (if there is a commonality,…
  • Just wanted to say that I also appreciate people being vocal about this and pushing this issue. I just got kicked again in my second or third match of the day. I was also hopeful the patch would have fixed it, but sadly that isn't the case. Once again, I was booted from the match after a health state validation (this time…
  • Here to say that, again, this is still an issue. I haven't played DBD in two days because of this problem -- it's making the game virtually unplayable. I will also say again, it is not my internet. Literally scared to play because every time I do, I get booted from the match needlessly and my penalties just rack up…
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