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  • Was not an opposite point at all as anyone can see. It was one point leading to another. So no need of your encouragement when you are the one who couldn't understand overall meaning of the words. There is nothing that I have stated that I took it as personal attack its just your personal interpretation of every words the…
  • They are not listening because they don't think the need to. But there is the need to. And the reason for that is clearly because they don't have enough experience in high tier games and cannot understand the importance of the feedback coming from it. Therefore I said the "only way" for them (THE DBD DEVS not OTHER GAME…
  • My point of the "only way" is for the developers to play their games themselves in high tier for them to agree and understand the same core issue the players go through. And I said in a way they really need to play their own game because they clearly show they don't understand what needs to be done with their game which…
  • Apparently no matter how reasonable the ideas of elite players are, they won’t rely on it at all. And that is where I felt they need to play their own actual game at a top tier level consistently. Of course all the devs shouldn’t and can’t apply everything out of each individual player’s mind, but they definitely have to…
  • I agree that there are lots of people at high ranks that are not good but there are still players who have over thousands of hours out there so some games at that tier are still very worth for the developers to experience against them for lots of games. But I do get what you mean.
  • Lots of problem they are facing. One big thing is the amount of players discouraged to play the game from various reasons that they have right now. And they are generally people who just started to play this game or have put in some hundreds of hours playing the game. The less people are discouraged to play the more…
  • they at least try to reference from the perspective of the players who are "experts" at the game rather than people who complains at the game than trying to improve themselves to the top level. That is for sure no doubt.
  • Not just bad for killers. Just in general if we look at how non sense the ideas are that they bring up with. The statement of me discouraged to play killer anymore is one of the effects of their problem. And I’m sure its not just me. Many people have and will get discouraged from other illogical changes they’re about to…
  • it isn't just the ruin. The ideas they implement in the changes every time are very very not logical. The ruin change might have been a great idea to change the meta or the style of the game if they looked forward to adjust necessary stuff along with it. But they say they won't and they have really irrational reason for…
  • whats the point of all these discussions? boomers will tell you they read it but won't bother to reference it to the patch
  • This game gives me """wonderful""" match more frequently now.
  • Point is to discuss and point out what I feel from playing the game as time goes on. Feedback for the boomers if they even bother to care and take it to help themselves. It is pretty clear point. Just surprising there are people who actually asks a pointless question very similar to "why do we live?".
  • Can Killers all just go on a strike and find another games to play until survivors get 30 min que time and realize how much this game is not enjoyable as killer? There are amazing games like LOL and DOTA2 or Rainbow six that have smart developers balancing necessary things step by step.
  • I'm definitely not saying all the toxicity is from the balance between two roles. I want to argue that developers are really bias and ignorant as much as such type of toxic people shown there. And the shared non-sense idea between them and the developers are whats making the most of the players suffer that they should care…
  • Yeah sure who cares about winning or losing in a game. We all might as well just not play our roles and just farm together and everyone gets thousands of bloodpoints and pip. And yeah going in a argument with people with no logic seems like a better time to waste than bringing these problems out in the community for people…
  • I agree as myself is one of those people. But I don't see anything wrong with people appreciating the game and value their self-improvement through competition of skills within fairly balanced system as that can be taken as big respect to the ones who struggled hard to make this game and maintain it.
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