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  • I don't think voice communication is the only solution, since at certain times of the day, matchmaking puts you with people of another language, and I think of the conflict that this would cause for those who don't speak the other language. What they have to implement in the game is more visual information among the…
  • I confess that I didn't play the last change patch, so I can't really say about the killer side, but the fact is, yes, really changing something for the survivor thinking about SoloQ, strengthens those who play in SWF. What I saw in another post was a suggestion that matches where there is SWF in the party, these bonuses…
  • I don't know where SWF are being buffed, since I know groups that play SWF and they told me that none of the 4 escaped. SoloQ survivors need more basic support in their abilities, or if you really don't want changes to the survivor, don't complain when DCs frequent in your game.
  • My situation was frustration with mobility killers, and incredibly many match-up encounters with killer Nemesis. Since sometimes his hit box ignores hitting a survivor on the other side of a pallet, instead of breaking the pallet itself, it became advantageous until the moment I was playing. But anyway thanatophobia since…
  • First of all we mention thanatophobia always as the "isolated" perk, but we know that it is always accompanied by Sloppy or some perk that delays the time to heal, it starts there. Second, you must be a whiny main killer who relies solely on perks. If you play without knowing your basic killer kit, and use generator delay…
  • I used to think survivors were more boring when it came to crying than killers, but now I see it's on the same level. It's obvious why Thanatophobia was nerfed. I don't know about you, but the highest rate of use was in Plague and Legion, with me I even saw Nurses using it. The nerf was well deserved, as it is being…