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  • You said that I'm lucky or a liar and you also said that I don't know what I'm talking about. Also, I don't know why you chose to quote me without actually reading what I wrote. Yes, almost everyone uses DS. No, they don't use it offensively. They don't TRY to get downed on purpose so they can use it. The 1 person I…
  • Believe it or not, most people that run in with borrowed right away are not a swf. They are most likely farming others for points. Out of experience I have seen games like that go wrong a LOT more often. I get that if it works against the killer it can be deflating, but I've lost a lot more games when people run in for an…
  • Facts! I don't use DH too often, so my sample size is small. But in 4 years of playing this game I've vaulted a trap twice. Both times at the killer shack against a camping trapper that was relying more on his traps than he was on his chase skills.
  • You talk about an all Kate swf and then you say you regularly get hit with DS after hooking 1 or 2 people? You must be the most unlucky killer EVER. Getting a meme swf that use the same skins is very rare, so I'm not sure how it's a "regular" thing for you. My guess is that you're more likely tunneling regularly and that's…
  • That's not true. Not in my four years playing this game. I've gotten destroyed in swf and solo and congratulated the killer if the match was a good one. Tunnelers and obvious campers on the other hand I just can't stand. Camping had gone down a lot and hadn't been a problem until crossplay brought in a big batch of console…
  • So bringing items, add ons and offerings make you a toxic survivor? Riiiiiiight. Fyi, I don't mind moris. The only thing I will trash talk is tunneling. But you do you. Tunnelers are a dime a dozen and they will look for any excuse to do it. Much like what you said. "Map offering? I gotta tunnel now". Why should you be any…
  • Pot meet kettle. I've played this game since Bubba was the new killer. And no, UB was not meta until slugging was meta. Also, I never said that my friends use DS offensively, so I don't know where you pulled that from. But I like your style. Go on with your bad self calling me names when someone calls you out on your…
  • I can see tunneling/camping at endgame phase as a means to try and secure a kill. Any other time, though I see it as a disregard to the fact that you are playing against another person that loaded into your game to also have fun. Which proves my point. So yeah... Tunneling someone to get them out of the game with 4K points…
  • Yeah, no... If you HAVE to tunnel, it means you are either staying on a chase too long or had a hard time finding someone to start with. That is not you getting gen rushed. That is you not applying pressure. Besides. The game is set up to give survivors an early advantage BEFORE the killer snowballs pressure. That is why…
  • Sorry but you are wrong on ALL accounts. Out of all my friends I am one of 3 people that doesn't run DS or UB and you know what everyone asks me? "Why don't you run them if you're getting tunneled and slugged all the time?" My answer is "I don't want trash killers dictating what perks I'll use" Unbreakable was around for a…
  • That is your advice? Be even more toxic? if killers quit playing like that there would be less toxic survivors. 99% of survivors run DS because most killers tunnel. Same thing with Unbreakable. You hardly ever saw it for the first few years until slugging became a thing. Will there still be toxic survivors even if all the…
  • I've been a survivor main for 4 years and my exit gate play for the first 3 years was to stick near the exit and try to get a protection hit from the killer. That can make a difference between pipping or not. If the killer just stood there, I would squat twice as a sign of respect and walk out. I don't know when this…
  • I played this game solo for the first few years, and I was taking longer and longer breaks. I was about to quit but then I made some friends and started doing more SWF. Playing this game as a team is so much better. Before anyone starts dumping on SWF I meant the game is better because you have someone to talk to, joke…
  • I'm a survivor main and I have dozens of friends that play DBD. I am the only one that never uses DS because of two reasons. I thought it was a crutch (esp the original version) and I don't want killers dictate what perk I use. Today I had a Spirit tunnel me off both first and 2nd hook. His "reason"? I'm not a Spirit main…
  • It gives you a lot of insight in how your brain works. And I'm not shifting anything. If BHVR can milk more money out of the game by creating skins over fixing their dozens of bugs instead, they will do so. It's easier to draw a new skin than shift through code
  • If free will was the only part in the equation companies wouldn't spends billions in advertising. Fruit analogy aside, I recommend you catch a few episodes of Brain Games.
  • What you call "willingness to buy", I call "falling for it". To-may-to to-mah-to. Every micro-transaction game tries to excite that part of your brain that controls your willingness to buy something. Those that fall for that marketing ploy spend money.
  • I will usually save my toolbox for the last gen in case we get 3genned and I have to try to finish a gen before a patrolling killer comes back. There are two exceptions to the above. 1. I sometimes use the toolbox to "top off" a gen faster if I know the killer is running Tinkerer. 2. If the fen is at 90+% and my Spine…
  • The reason this happens is because people choose to fall for it and spend money on this game... For skins. Plain and simple. The saddest part is that they think they are supporting a game they love. Or that's their reason anyway. What happens instead is that it motivates the developers to worry more about what skin they'll…
  • Here is an example of what someone else on here called a tech. Everyone knows that the Huntress' hatchets give survivors hitboxes the size of a those new double door refrigerators... The ones with chipped ice and a water dispenser. It's been like that forever. What are you going to do? Ban everyone that brings in a…
  • A few months ago I went against a Trapper and got stuck on the glitched part of the hill because I didn't know I could get stuck there. Two of my team mates brought the killer to me and were pointing to me... Stuck with crows over my head. The trapper left me, downed both my friends, hooked them in the basement because the…
  • I mean.... I don't know about your mouse because I play on a controller even though I'm PC. Other than that, your post comes across a bit ragey. Most killers are already faster, and if you keep chasing the survivor they get bloodlust and get even more faster. It looks to me that you don't want to give survivors a chance to…
  • From what I've seen here, when someone posts something and two paragraphs down voices their opinion, they're just here to just put every other differing opinion down. That being said, as a survivor main my opinion on this combo is mixed. I love the fact that Undying is finally making survivors do totems. I can't tell you…
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