I don't know what are They thinkig, really skiping Winter event? People are waiting for this whole year! There already wasn't a bbq event, i was little bit dissapointed but Winter event? I Just want my christmas lights on lockers and snow in lobby really, is it that much?
Yeah, i have the same problem and i don't know how im suppose to do archives quests...
Just disable cross play option, it worked for me an others ;)
Yeah, they are crazy! All of them would be cool if not the "complete this chalange in a single trial" thing. This will be just anyoing and really frustrating to do. It looks like it's Devs way to not let us finish the rift and not getting back our auric cells... Do 4 gens in a trial, unhook 3 survivors during end game…
At first i said, that it's only on low resolution, but then i change the resolution and look at it more, and no, it's not only on low resolution... After last engine update, when the whole game was blurry AF i found out about , that changes you can make in .ini files to disable all that "antyaliasing", i hope someone will…
Yeah, my game works and looks, worst and worst with every engine update... Now, my game onnce has 40+ fps, and then drops to 25 fps, pretty god job so far... And also, I don't know if you noticed it too, but now all text, skill checks etc. are blurry and not sharp. And it's so anyoing and painfull to look at
What risk?
I hope they will do something, maybe not removeing it, maybe some people likeing it, but at least give us opportunity to choose if we want it or not. Since last optimalisation before this one, i was very satisfied with how my game looks and perform, it was sharp, clear, and also worked really smoothly, and i don't care if…