what you mean with connecting to the same internet? we all 4 live in different houses and different towns - we all use our internet exclusiv and not sharing it with someone else
@Chaotic_Riddle thats a thing I can not understand because the problem is there only since the plague update, so why is this hard to discover? Just remove the plague update, thats on killer less and one survivour less but we can play the game again without this bug,... (I know thats not a solution - but - a better one then…
No I really think the majority of that what you call a rage quit ist because of bugs. Of course there are some kids out there who are constantly disconnecting because the game goes not the way the want. but believe me more than 50% are bugs! see:
I yesterday played a lot games ~ 25 in 4 man SWF. We count the times I or someone from the team got a disconnect bug which might be interpreted as a rage quit. we had 17 disconnects (!) NO RAGE QUIT 2 while working on a gen 1 while sneaking over the map, searching a gen 1 while running to an open exit door, killer not in…
Of course punishment is needed if its an intended quit / rage quit. But I don't think all of this "rage quits" are intended - there is a seroius bug no one knows about and noone cares about (at least it seams so) which randomly disconnects people. I would say more then 50% of current "rage quits" are because of this bug. I…