So true
For killer itll be noed For survivor itll be ds
I mean I literally cant get any other perk tho it's the only one left an its not showing up never happened before
You can drop pallets early before they can shock you works for me I do the same against spirit
Yup but there not survivor biased at all right
Kinda figured Haha
Wrong person ? Never said I played with 0 sound....
Yea there's really no point to rank not like we get anything rewarding
I run it on oni all the time hes my slugger killer as of recent because of the sound issues
Yup happened to me many times
Spirit has been unplayable for me since the sounds bugs not even bothering with her until the fix it
A lot of no's here lol
Infectios knockout deerstalker an corrupt
Couldn't have said it better myself
Not a fan of that dev either
Pop doesn't work with new ruin no synergy there
Been this way for over a month an stridor is bugged too cant hear people using iron will with it anymore
How about God loops that are still I the game. 360 are annoying hook tech annoying killer aim assist does more damage than good
Also you cant even use pop while ruin is up.....
Cant even use pop while ruin is up anyways
Tell me how that goes for you consistently in red ranks an see if ruin stays up to even do anything
No wonder he wants ruin nerf hes part of the low ranks that find it unfun an annoying to go against to hard to hit skill check an find totem killer OP smh
Kinda figured . The way he was talking seemed like he never played red rank killer think this the only game I played where they balance around low level players instead of the high ranking ones makes 0 sense
Yea not a fan of peanits myself seems very ignorant to any feedback on ruin changes like he made up his mind on it and isn't going to budge
I agree true is one of the best out there who plays both sides an calls it how it is with reasoning an explanation
I would also like to see this
Been watching streams an haven't seen it last until endgame
Agreed so biased
I agree
Red ranks it wont make it to late game...ruin was always used to help early game where killers need it the most because the gens would go so fast before you got a hook
Lmao I'll do the same on my ghostface
The ptb just started #########
Are you serious? Truetalent used this combination an thrilling tremors an still lost... not even close just to having old ruin
Yup cant wait to try ghostface on it
Yea not a fan of the ruin changes but I do give credit where credit is due good job on the map
Time for killers to get better at the game? Lol what ? There literally removing the hex SKILL checks for survivors keyword skill so you don't even need to worry about hitting them anymore.. but yea sure killers need to get better the logic on this guy
Very true mostly why I'm mad feels non stop with the sounds have been bugged for killers for over a month
He makes a good point
Lmao two perk slots to attempt to make ruin great again...
Ds is used in almost every game I have In red ranks maybe it needs another nerf its unfun for killer
Fair enough I'll wait for lery but you guys said it's one of the best killer maps and your track record thus far have been a bunch of killers nerfs lately so it wouldn't suprise me if you made lerys more "fun" for survivors
Good luck pressuring gens on huge maps now with this new ruin an dont forget there nerfing lerys since its killers 2nd best map
Dont forget keys and hatch...