Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I am all in favor of strong iri addons, but why must they be on the top 2 killer? A skilled blight can already get great results without using these addons. Also, with how ubiquitous this combo is in my blight games, it certainly feels like the addons are common instead of ultra-rare. Do you realize how crazy 80% usage…
  • Happily. Ruin was over-nerfed.
  • Yep, that’s what I’m saying.
  • Idk about overpowered, but Dead Man’s Switch is annoying as hell to vs and is probably unhealthy for the game. It’s okay when killers actually chase you off the gens after hooking another survivor, which is what the devs intended. But usually, it’s utilized in a build that gives killers way too much slowdown for the effort…
  • I play mostly solo q and I understand how much the odds are especially stacked against me. I know that it will not be a fun experience and I usually just dissociate from the match. I know that the outcome does not fully reflect my skill. But I would outright DC if she has Iri Video Tape, Ring Drawing, Sloppy Butcher and…
  • Same. I crashed twice as Pinhead, both times upon hooking the Obsession.
  • Holy ######### thanks for the info. I was out of the loop about toggle interaction for gens. Thank you so much!
  • Thank you for listening, devs! Really glad you guys listened to the community. Love the 16s altruistic heals and I love the elegant change of DH to become a passive deterrent to tunneling much like how DS used to be.
  • I think if we keep tinkerer to proc once per gen, it'll be fine. Also, that's why survivors made it a priority to cleanse the totems immediately before committing to gens.
  • Mate, why are you still on about Self Care? It is currently ass and it will continue to be ass. If you still see Self Care in your lobbies and are triggered by it, ngl your mmr might just be low. I’ve already crunched the numbers in my original post, there’s no need to regurgitate this stuff to me. The basis for which all…
  • "You want team members healing each other to be faster than self-healing". Yes. You are not considering the fact that as of now, 2 team members healing for 16s is equivalent to 32s of gen progress. After the change, 2 team members healing for 24s is equivalent to 48s of gen progress. On the other hand, if the teammate…
  • I think that the current meta where it feels like injuries don't matter is enabled by boon COH and medkits, which deserve to be nerfed. But it's not so much altruistic healing speeds in my opinion. There are already significant downsides to altruistic healing, including the foregone gen progress of 32 seconds, not to…
  • I agree that the incentives ARE there to take chase. At the same time, because injuries DO matter, there would be an even greater incentive to just proxy camp and get free hits/hooks. So yes, while there are more choices a killer could make, nothing really stops them from taking the path of least resistance. Also, with the…
  • Did you even read my post? I've said the nerf to boon COH is good and justified, and I think it's good that medkit self-heals are increased to 24s and capped at 2 heals. Nerfing self-healing of all kinds is good for the game. I only want altruistic healing speeds to remain at 16s. Also, if you want to complain about DH,…
  • I'm not sure that the gen regression perks that synergize well with camping, i.e. Deadlock and DMS, have been affected significantly, save for Pain Res. So I don't think it necessarily means camping is easier to punish. Meanwhile, gen-kicking perks have been nerfed to the ground, so there is not much incentive to go away…
  • I understand completely where you are coming from. What I am concerned about this next patch is that the healing regression meta will be significantly more oppressive than the gen regression meta. Consider the following scenario. You get hit by a killer with Sloppy Butcher. You find a teammate. 20+ seconds through the…
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