I agree. I wish we could get bloody outfits for em
I understand where you're coming from but tombstone is a broken add on as it is. Literally 1 minute into a game once when I was a noobie, I got straight up tombstoned with no hook state. That will forever hurt me 😭
I play killer and maybe even get a 1k and get over 30k bloodpoints 💀
Yes I do this too, and it’s kinda confusing as to why survivors get a crumb of blood points from matches and killers can get 70k+ in one match
We were all prestiged multiple times and we did good looping but it was never enough, killer was too overpowered.
I can’t screen record on a switch sadly
Some people can’t make friends
100% agree. Read the post i posted on my page about this.
This is true. Solo q really sucks. :( I’m just kinda pooped out because everytime I get in a game it sucks and my teammates don’t do gens and the killer just gets us all.
No it’s neither. I’ve been playing DBD for a while. I’m good at looping, blah blah blah. I can distract for minutes but it’s still not enough.
That’s literally what it feels like though