u are right in some things but as i said u cant tell me the game isnt survivor sided :) and the game needs some balance things i am not good but this is sad
fine mhm… well u are not a killer player it seems because its everything but not fine.. it needs balance / nerf / and i dont think bhvr will do anything with that
Yea i am sorry that this is "" text generator "" but i played few games today and its just disguisting.. i am not sure why "" Teleport "" on Borgo map with Lich release doesnt have cooldown.. and i am fascinated that devs ignoring gen rush thing at least it seems
its not, i am just mad by this devs because its so boring when as killers gen rushing is so big and they doing nothing about it, portal on new borgo map doesnt even have cooldown as survivor, u can teleport like 0.5 sec when ur mates go trough it and no cooldown.. they are not fixing it but some dlc for money sure why not…
its really cool, and really cool for survivors to use it, as killer its not much fun to chase it and its frustrating as killer to play around it bcs u will always get stunned by that i mean almost always when u are trading it for hit but its unabalanced, am i smelling survivor sided map again?
it is freddy but Onryo can teleport always without cooldown when she has TV, a unknown has 25 second and maybe less, and freddy got 45 SECONDS OF TELEPORTATION, i can go take a shower and i can go make a drink and cooldown will be still ongoing yes and by the way, freddy will lose in the end game whole ability, onryo and…
and by the way Dream Projection has a Cool-down of 45 seconds. this has to be joke right? onryo can tp every time she has TV and u wait for cooldown 45 seconds? u are so lame and lazy devs.. worst devs ever
i am main killer for years, and there is no chance to get kills from premade, as i said, some restrictions like slower repairing,slower healing or walking for premade groups would be nice, its no fun for killers to play opposite premade groups
what about a loop room where is 2-3 pallets there and a long way with objects ? thats a little too strong if u know what location i mean
you are kidding right? shouldn't people who don't give cake have BP from cake and ability? seriously? you are selfish if you don't want your people to have bp don't give that cake not all killers or brutes have a cake on every brute and not everyone plays it for 10 hours straight to have 500 cakes on each character .. u…
u dont get it.. that perk need a nerf,, like 1-2 % lower speed , that perk can chase u whole match if needed, u cant reach him and in end game its impossible.. 4 hooks per match are not fun
did u think they afking maybe bcs u are gen rushing , being toxic, teabagging, clicking with battery, or teabagging after stunning him with pallet? dont being toxic,, dont gen rush and then writing ez and they will play ..
this map doesnt need rework.. this map is actually strong for survivors if u know how to loop that pallets.. i know few other maps which are bad for survs / killers
i am killer main but i am playing survivor often too and i wanna say.. u are joking right? when u will repair 5 gens.. that means killer will say ( like me ) hey i have downed guy i will hook him and i want that kill because killers want at least that kill and because u repaired generators that doesnt mean anything..that…
i have the same issue :/
survivor map means there is so much pallets, so much good pallets which will give u much time to loop with the killer ( garden of joy is survivor map, decimated borgo is mostly survivor map,maybe haddonfield, ) and i know but if u will have more hours in this game and u will play often killer, u will see as killer which…
some killers are doing it because they get Survivor map and they dont wanna play that map .. i did it sometimes too,
eh, but still thats not full answer for question.. they doesnt care about players on pc?
but its the same development crew .. its same behaviour why they doesnt care about players on PC?
if incapacitation interrupts pallet drops / vaults / or normal vaults.. then its OK change.. if not.. its useless to be honest xd
yeah, UE 5 on anniversary stream would be good actually, but this game is here for 7 years.. they need to do something big
we can wait if we will see this on anniversary stream maybe
i mean u are right but dead by daylight need something like dead by daylight 2 because they are creating perks around the same things again and again and nothing new.. we need something big and original
little break down yea it is.. u can say me your fix please? i wanna know it because 2 hooks per game isnt very cool.. i am sorry for my capslock.. i edited it
i expect some nerf for gen rushing .. 2 hooks per game isnt fun
i mean .. yea u are right.. but to be honest eruption perk which was BIG gen regression perk is NERFED so i think there is more survivor gen rushing perks than gen regression killers perks... but u are right.. the best "opinion" is to delete or nerf EVERY gen rushing or gen regression perks.. its not healthy for matches.