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  • Let me sum up the Code of Conduct we need for both Killers and Survivors: Play to Win. Do not Cheat. Do not abuse Know Exploits. Have Fun. Yes, I have linked to Sirlin's Play to Win ebook 4 times there. Amazing read I will always recommend. Honestly. Play the game as it is given. Have fun. Aim to win. There nothing else we…
  • You can reach rank 1 with any Killer. I myself reach rank 1 playing exclusively Wraith from rank 15 to rank 1. Without using neither NOED or any Memento Mori. The more you play, the more you learn how to use the current loop/pallet meta into your advantage.
  • I expect it to be an staple indeed. Although I do not like RNG-based builds, and anything related to Hex Totems is RNG based. Spirit Fury for dealing with pallets seems quite sweet. And Rancor could be the substitute of BBQ and Chili in a 'I hate Decisive Strike' Build. Fortunately enough, we also have some new addons…
  • So far there are three builds I enjoy. Mind that every single one of them starts with at least using the addons "Windstorm - White" and "Swift Hunt - White". If you do not have the green Swift Hunt you can always use the Yellow one. Decisive Strike Makes You Waste Too Much Time As A Killer At The Beginning Of The Game: BBQ…
  • You can take a look at what I think about them here
  • Could we have any confirmation about this? The Wiki says otherwise. And honestly, with prestige 3 Wraith I think I see more greens and yellows than usual.
  • I have been playing a bit with him, although the queues are painful long so it only allow me one or two matches in the PTB a day before I despair and come back to the live server. You can find my thoughts so far here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/16273/wraith-rework-feedback#latest
  • The Pig. In fact I was planning to start playing her more once I finish collecting every single perk III for Wraith. I am a fan of SAW movies, and love the characterization of Amanda Young as The Pig... Although I would have love to see Mark Hoffman in The Game too! My main concern with The Pig is Prestige. Combat Straps…
  • But you will be! rank 1 is only a matter of time and commitment once you have a functional strategy and play style... If on top of that you add talent like you have then it is assured!
  • After some days of playing, and seeing how Hex:Ruin usually is destroyed within the first 60 seconds, I decided to swap my usual perks into Thanatophobia + Franklin's Demise + Sloppy Butcher + BBQ The play style is still the same: Ambush and alpha strikes from your uncloak taking advantage of your Windstorm Dash. Swap…
  • Woah! To be honest, my highest 4k streak so far in the game has been 3 in a row only! You're clearly more talented than me and only needed some strategic tips to enjoy Wraith :)
  • Prestige 3 Bloody Set. Harder to see once uncloaked in certain maps. And the weapon looks cool with the bloody veins.
  • Sometimes the flashlights white screen is a little too bright and indeed it is painful.
  • A party of survivors behave quite similar to solo survivors in the high ranks, only that they have better communication and they tend to be overly altruistic. Take that in consideration, and always suspect they're telling each other your last know position all times. Abuse their altruism by choosing the weakest survivor…
  • You have to evaluate the situation at each loop: *Unsafe short loop: Do not break and mindgame/chase the survivor. He either will abandon the loop or get hit by your lounge. *Safe but windstorm-dash-size loop : Do not break, cloak, position yourself in the shortest corner to the pallet. Uncloak and mindgame the survivor…
  • Thanks, not interested.
  • Thanks you for reading these!
  • At this moment it is 27th of August 2018
  • I love the flavor and aesthetics of Wraith and wanted to play him even if it was not optimal.
  • Apart from the obvious ones that are related to terror radius I think that the majority of what are considered 'good perks' are viable for Wraith as well. Eternal chases. Uncloaked Wraith have no tools at his disposal to stop a good looper distracting you from the rest of survivors. Cut the chase and take the new…
  • If you're uncloaking into the unaware survivor it is just a matter of uncloak from the right angle: Usually their preferred escape route. If you are instead chasing a survivor and want to mindgame him into a block position you must first cloak and cut line of sight while paying close attention to his bloodstain, grunt…
  • I love Monto and his speed wraith videos were the ones that made me test SBFL. Play with your food felt clunky when i tried it and found the additional speed gained was not needed in most of cases. The ideal chase is to alpha strike a survivor from cloak using Windstorm, and shortly catch him before the safety loop with…
  • Wraith can not deal easily against a competent survivor in loop such as the Coldwind Farm Jungle Gyms, or the Mcmillan State central building. So when you see that your chasing prey is a good one and is heading to these, is a safe call to cut the chase after one or two pallets getting throw. Your next prey is surely…
  • I like how Hex:Ruin, BBQ, SBFL and Franklin's Demise work together for my game style with Wraith. As I tend to cut chases early a lot to look for a safer prey. Franklin make that your first hit from cloak to have a meaningful impact on the game even if you stop the original chase. And a fully charged SBFL make chases short…
  • I think I am the clumsiest of killers in fact. Reviewing my recorded trials I kept feeling ashamed of all the mistakes done in loops, and survivors I totally failed to notice hidden in a corner of the screen. I tried to achieve rank 1 with Wraith because I love his aesthetics and gameplay, and didn't want to felt…
  • In fact there are some loops you can win by a fast uncloak and windstorm. Pairing the two Green Addons "Windstorm - White" and "Swift Hunt - White" allow you to win a short loop with poor visibility from the survivor if the survivor is position next to the pallet. You can trick him into throwing the pallet / vault over it…
  • I have never ever lobbydodge nor DC from game. No matter how toxic or how much tbagging I may have ever got in a game. Against unaware survivors flashlights are useless in their hands, as they can not react in time before your hit them and Franklin's Demise their flashlight. If they're aware of you coming their way you can…
  • Reposition yourself and start your uncloak behind cover as you're walking to your predicted survivor path. Good survivors want to run to their closest pallet / vault as soon as they hear your bell, use that to your advantage.
  • Sushi! Followed closed by Spanish Black Rice: https://www.spain-recipes.com/arroz-#########.html