Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Top-tier perk, as it applies debuff (mainly a issue to track survivors in the dying state) and also a constantly radar/track tool, with practically no downside (you can conveniently open a locker without even leaving the path of your objective) and as all killers are different, high mobility which are already top -tier has…
  • I ended up logging in here just to find your sugestion. I'm just going to paste what I already told you on Steam As for the idea itself, I don't think it will solve SoloQ's problem, which is precisely around high mobility killers and the lack of coordination and synergy, making slugging more rewarding than hooking, to the…
  • Mine wasn't like that, it must be the some miss information in the translation into my language, thank you, an indirect nerf then, pity.
  • The live patch notes came but it didn't clarify that, so I'm still in doubt
  • some older maps have an abundance of unnecessary breakable walls, even around outdated loops. I don't think it's necessary to add more one-sided interactions (only on the killer's part), which is a waste of time (some breakable doors are even traps in some maps), unless they put perks to rebuild broken locations, etc. Is…
  • sure, we can agree to disagree about anything, but just a small addendum still in the prior context, yes noed has the 5% speed boost, which makes several loops unsafes, but on top of that, the ping itself, hitbox and dedicated server already supply this lack of 5% speed , which makes it even more obvious why there are 2…
  • the idea is good on paper, but I think it's worth not having hook skins, since they might want to change the game's sacrifice system in the future and won't be able to due to these paid skins, like replace for a respawn system. The charms at least can be hung on the map or on the killer's waist.
  • You end up promoting a taboo-centric fallacy that systems can't be messed with because they've always been the form x y z. So, Just because plague is an m1 killer doesn't mean that she's intrinsically weak and this already works as a form of counterplay. By the game's stats, m1 killers have high kill-rates, like sadako.…
  • She can even be in a "good" spot between swf that has in-game communication to share her location. But among Solo Survivors, an average plague can easily dominate the match with little effort using 3-gen strat, and there is no way to avoid being infected, since the addon combo leaves the generators infected for more than 1…
  • it's not because you and half a dozen made some kind of post here on the official forum that this reflected the majority opinion, and it even seems that we're talking about statistical data for you to start refuting things as "true" or "false" Things don't revolve around what half a dozen people think here on this forum,…
  • A bunch of perks were nerfed in 6.1 not because they were strong or issue, but because their pick-rate was too high. And the secondary effect/"look bonus" part already occurs currently, I just repeated how the perk works. The perk in my proposal has nothing to do with the killer looking in the direction, it's more like the…
  • they should put another hit-stun-grab validation system in the game (if the game currently have one?), because there is no way to trust the dedicated server 100% (the situation is worse than in the p2p era without some ping indicator on lobby) there has to be a comparison between the survivor and killer ping and whatever…
  • I like her chase music, it's the coolest thing in the whole chapter, it sounds like horror pop, very different from the washing machine that was the ghost face in the rework in all TR sounds (specially chase one).
  • already had other suggestions around here about the perk. It was supposed to be an anti sabotage perk, and as such, it should make the sabotage action on the killer's TR longer or completely counter the sabotage action on the hook closest to the killer, which will have its aura marked in yellow (countering boil over…
  • it's official forums, don't expect an interactive or rewarding conversation from the majority of people here, most will just distill us vs them against you and make biased "arguments" (is more to distort conversations, change subjects and use fallacies), with the "like" at the bottom working as a disqualifying tool
  • but I didn't justify anything, I just said that the problem is the bnp, which must be removed at best scenario. And I gave the arguments for not messing with the perks, specially hyperfocus.
  • I don't think the problem is in the perks, but in the BNP itself. Hyperfocus, in addition to requiring skill, still shares the same base bonus between repair and heal speed, and a nerf on the perk, would harm both, the most I see is removing the possibility of synergy in builds (removing bnp you already cut synergy with…
  • ui often doesn't mean anything (this system didn't work miracles even when eruption was broken around SoloQ.), killer can be using stealth perks or still can be in a war of attrition around 3-gen eating resources around, you won't leave of the gen by simply because you're listening to killer's TR and often due to the…
  • WY have a lot of tiles outdated, I'm not talking about the classic 4 walls that now can't even be repeated in atuohaven maps I'm talking about the structure of labs/tiles in which the pallet is easily circumvented by either side (don't have long wall in one side, it's open, i think its called lame walls), which no longer…
  • sure, unsafe pallets can be used to balance large maps too if you don't want to do a pretty good and safe tiles distribution correctly with pallets, which would solve the problem of gideon (as a kind of compensation for having more usable tiles) But Wreckers Yard is far from being the definition of a perfect map, it's…
  • yeah, I had read that at the time, I just hadn't realized about the addons, my mistake, and thinking here wouldn't make sense 12 attempts when you use the addon that leaves you with only 2 rbt.
  • But that's exactly it, there is no taboo on any aspect of the game that cannot be tweaked or linked to some perk you are just going by the literality of what was said, when it was pointed out that what is most used does not always mean broken, so, of course there are absurd things that needed/need to be nerfed, which does…
  • well, that's your idea of ​​what you think is balanced. Pretty sure small maps with 8 pallets like Wreckers' Yard are not balanced at all and very killer sided (which will change a bit with the addition of more pallets in 6.7), and still have the accessible basement in the middle of the map practically serving the killer…
  • I already answered you there on steam, so I'll just repeat yes, you will have the 12 attempts globally distributed by the amount of rbt's you have with the addons that allow you to load more than 4, so it's not really worth it because more traps will be removed in 1 try I miss the old pig with the 4 boxes and a certain one…
  • yeah, I think just waiting for the patch notes really, too bad a dev didn't come to answer, but thanks anyway, hope they reverse it
  • I don't think it's healthy for the game for a perk to have more than 1 condition to only active (with a situational effect) , even more so when it comes to an exhaustion perk I see that at best people may start using DH with another exhaustion perk, but save DH exactly for the EGC using it as a kind of Mini Off the Record,…
  • The self-care value ​​was tweaked in 6.1 to give the meta a shake-up at the time, as it was one of the most used perks (probably in SoloQ to cover the lack of coordination) even when it was agreed that the perk was meme set to 50%. So, to decrease the usage, the new value was decreased to 35% and increased botany…
  • An easier way to fix all these problems around tunnel, camp and slugg would be remove the hooks and replace it with a respawn system, instead of just band-aiding/especific changes to the current hook system with more perks or killer powers around bad game-design (obviously you will need to review how the perks that works…
  • i know about the changes, and you ignored all points of how the perk worked >>>>BEFORE<<<<<<< the base-kti buff of the killers in the previous mid-chapter. And how will the person have a crystal ball to position themselves well if they don't even know if the killer has the perk, only after the hit? Even more so when it was…
  • valid strategy yes, but that should not be encouraged, even more when used to the extreme, requiring perks and team with comms to counteract these game design exploits. In the best of analogies, you as a killer won't want to be supervisor of popping gens just because you didn't come prepared with the correct perks against…
  • I understood perfectly what the OP meant, even though didn't express himself well He didn't play in the air that "increases" tunnel and camp and ended the argument there, if you read everything, you understand. STBFL is quickly allowing the chases to have their average time reduced, with little investment from the killers,…
  • well, there were several concepts in the game that didn't have a counter, like perma sabo hooks, insta mori on firist down with iris memento, infinite loops, etc. What I mean by that is that it's not because the game was developed with an innate design that cannot be changed, even more so when that design has no counter,…
  • 30s or less of chase is what blight and nurse and the most top-tier killers can do, especially in tournaments, but the maths around it in macro game only work if you take into account teams with builds (perks) in synergy and comms and help after downs (even with some perks not allowed), which it's not the reality of most…
  • when skillchecks get faster from hyperfocus with 4+ tokens, yes, I would say it requires skill, even more so with things like doctor's madness and perks like Unnerving Presence
  • powercreep is a situation that is already happening in the game, mainly in the last contents released before SM (skull merchant), you had COB (sadako), you had pain res (artist), you had deadlock (pinhead), eruption (nemesis), etc. And the last mid-chapter practically made the use of certain perks worse compared to others,…
  • I believe they want to reduce the use of the two perks, because both have high pick-rates even though it is not an "issue" perk individually, but when they stack and around 3-gen which is more a game-design problem of how the generators are scattered across the map For me, I would have just removed the track from the cob…
  • Sure, you have every right to disagree and take the extreme shortcut, but I guarantee it won't do the trick, which will lead to more burnout, including those who say they never do that behavior. If this weren't a mass phenomenon, people wouldn't complain about the same things across multiple games, and guess where they…
  • The best way for you to resolve behaviors, even more this specific type in online pvp games >>>phenomenon<<<, is to try to discover the reasons behind it, which are obviously linked to the fun of the person/match, instead of punishing even more, since if the person doesn't wants to play anymore, will simply resort to other…
  • it's not really a question of not feeling confident or when or not to heal, but question of SoloQ issues, you don't have free discord/radar to pass to others the possible location of the killer and with that playing safe, either to save, make gens or start a loop properly, that's why 2 health state is a core game design…
  • like the others said, if you really do the maths around, it's worth wanting the altruistic healing to be more worthwhile than self-heal, since it will be -2 or -3 people in gens to move, group and heal to try to nullify the hit and run tatic (16s ~8s if 2 or 3 people), which will lead to generators being made in more time,…
  • it started to be a problem after the last mid-chapter update on last year, as the killers got a StBFL mini base-kit cutting 10% of the animation after hitting a survivor (3 for 2.7 seconds), it's basically 2 free stacks, not counting the sprint cut in 10% of the survivors (2 to 1.8s), and others like the base-kit mini BS…
  • because it took 8 seconds for you to heal without needing the team's help with med-kit and stacked with coh, denying the pressure of the killer at any time of the match, specially against mid-tier killers (which will start to be felt more now in the middle to the end of the match) Taking 16s to heal altruistically (or…
  • objectively analyzing it, yes, I can agree with you that they might have failed , which may have increased the gap but that's precisely why I said there in the 1st answer to you, it was the best they managed to do to plesure the 3 roles of the game (killer, survivor and >>solo survivor< <), managing to capture the feedback…
  • even if it is a coordinated team, maybe in the early game, yes, it will negate your hit and run tactic, but in the middle to the end, it will definitely be worth it much more than now, it's more a matter of valuing whether or not the chase is worth to down someone. changing the subject, I think people are overreacting to…
  • ? But back in the day (when Mikaela launched), even though it was 100%, it also allowed (as it still does now) self-heal, it's not comparable (the new one will be 100%, but on altruistic heal and can't stack with items, you can't heal yourself anymore on coh) One thing I forgot to point out, med-kits' altruistic healings…
  • i mean, sure, we can see the COH situation as a point to be analyzed in the long run, since it allows altruistic healing to be very fast and people have to move and group in the radius, maybe the values ​​have to be reduced or reworked for something new, but remembering that this is a boom, which at first would have to be…
  • there's actually no way you can balance the game very well without definitely separating Solo and SWF, so it was the best solution to not hurt SoloQ even more, so they did a good job taking into account the current situation and the feedbacks. I mean, they keep the base-heal ticks at 16 charges and nerf exactly the…
  • pain ress woul be very greatfull if they remove it from the scourge perks, just by hook normally with the regression values buffed now, since have 4 tokens.
  • if it was before the rework on the perk that devs buffed it, giving infinite UB, I would even agree, but now that would already be 2 effects together, even though with "infinite ub", the perk is very under-used because it is difficult to have value outside swf. I prefer a rework on the DH itself, since currently for an…