I also have this issue with stadia and steam. Although to be honest im not that mad about it.
Hi Devs... As a colourblind person. PLEASE UNDO. Or put in good colourblind settings in the game. Cant see red auras AT ALL. Yellow is ok, but ugly as hell
I've had this on a couple of matches on switch too. We had a pig that was displayed as a Michael myers
Same, ive played switch and PC today and experienced it on switch and a friend on PC when i got it. (Twice on switch!)
Just did another and survived with the glow. No hooks either... No crown.
I have this issue on switch too. Me and a friend were playing and neither of us got it after the match nor after a reset. Very annoying. That was the second time they didnt get it too.
it also says its for all players in the game... The 3yr anniversary offering worked the same way except being 103%
Also having issues. It works for me (we had three active in a match and it only did the 104% for me) The second time i bought one it didnt appear on the offerings screen before the match but was in the scorecard but didnt actually give me any extra BP (ss below) (On PC. Not used it on switch yet)