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  • Just don’t bring anything in to the match you care about when attempting this challenge. Odds are, once you find the glyph and take the disk to the basement your add on won’t be where you left it once you return.
  • I would tend to think higher ranks would lean heavily in favor of killer. With more 3-4k happening frequently between green & brown ranks. In purple ranks you’ll see it balance more to 50/50 while red ranks, especially SWF, seem to be more 75/25 in favor of survivor. when you first start playing, have few perks & little to…
  • Pre ruin nerf? Maybe. Post? Hardly. I can spawn and move towards a generator and within 45 seconds a gen pops. Turn, head that direction. Chase, down, hook & 2nd gen pops. I’m not proficient with nurse who most consider the best killer. Can I get a 4k? Yes. However, most matches end with 2 dead & brutal killer since the…
  • I agree. Especially if the killer is running bbqac. If he doesn’t see an aura ( especially if he isn’t cannibal or billy) he pretty much knows if you aren’t in a locker you are close by. I think most assume cannibal & billy run this religiously. It all depends on perk build and add ons. the trouble is within the survivor…
  • Exactly. The lunge isn't executed until the player chooses. So while the survivor is pulling off a humanly impossible full speed duck w/360 the killer 360s as well, then performs the hit. It's balanced as it is. If you want to prevent the reverse lunge then the survivor's ability to sprint into a duck then turn on a dime…
  • For starters: Looping is fine. If your the killer, stop chasing them. Tunneling is fine. Oh, I just hurt this survivor. I don't want to trigger them by downing them. Let me go find a healthy one. Face camping by the killer, unless all gens are complete, is not fine. Should be penalized by a 10% speed up to gen repair if…
    in DBD 2 Comment by sjayc1 July 2019
  • ...and I have read all of these suggestions while sitting in a damn lobby. They need to fix matchmaking first, then worry about the douche bags that disco
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