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  • 10x worse than before MMR. OK it's not every game, but I would say 95% of games now are just against sweaty, gen-rush, flash light abusing survivors who then feel the need to taunt you about it. But I've decided to now just have fun and not play the game 'seriously' (and to not play their game); I don't camp and no point…
  • This post is spot on, well said good explanation of an MMR/ELO system. I’ve experience exactly the same thing as Raptorietz - Id always played survivor since joining DBD in August 2020. Worked up to yo-yo-ing between Rank 4 and 5 before deciding two weeks ago to try Killer. Knowing the game from survivor I found transition…
  • I have the exact same problem as you! It’s ok, you are not alone with your rank identity confusion lol. So I think I have a good understanding of the game, how to earn pips and in ability to read the game/make decisions but when it comes to killer chases, against rank 5 and below I’m fine, but against red ranks I feel…
  • This isn't a post regarding Trickster, but toxic behaviour in general - admittedly I have never seen much of it, but did today to its full effect. To provide context, I am a Rank 4 survivor - I'm not the greatest, but I like to think I am fairly good at this game and know how it works fairly well. Played a game with my…
  • Hey all - Some examples of this in action. First two games, both played this afternoon... both get two golds and a bronze (7 points, which I understand is a safety at my rank?). Yet in the first game I de-pip and in the later game played about 40 minutes later and get a safety... Third one, played back on Thursday... would…
  • Hi! New on the forum. Just to note I’d had the same issues: pip system calculating gains/neutrals/losses incorrectly and unbroken blacked out despite long running games. tried tonight after patch and unbroken working OK... But: had a game where I de-pipped despite getting a neutral score (should have been zero pip change)…
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