Yea that's a good idea like. Something more instead of Come and point lol
That's cool never realised.
Lol yea more than likely. I think it would be great. Would give a bit more depth to your character like megs in a running pose or stretching.
Well I will just join them in the fun might as well tunnel and camp to, I totally disagree it is taking the game hostage they stand and wait for the death and move on. You can say it's not but to me it is. No decent outcome either way so might as well join in
I love how I'm being dramatic over complaining, everyone is so bitter. So if the killer camps Everyone until they are dead then that's not taking it hostage? Plz as if, that's bullshit. Well if you can't beat them then join them, the Devs say that because they can't fix it they don't know how I mean these Devs cut levels…
Yeah definitely does. I need to just loop the killers and but gene time. Might as well since it's allowed lol. Thank you for being nice btw. Loads of hate for simply pointing out a flaws in the game.
Thank you.
Omg someone Is being nice. What's a good loop build? Might as well tunnel and camp from now on to.